Humankind has created patterns of behavior and learning termed
Paleolithic culture refers to
the use of stone tools
The terms "utilization," "fashioning," and "standardization" describe stages of the
human invention of tools
Women's responsibilities during the Neolithic Period included
spinning flax and wool, gathering food, weaving textiles, and cultivating fields
The most basic and universal unit of human social relationships is the
In preliterate societies, justice mean
maintaining equilibrium in the group
A form of primitive religion that regarded all objects in nature as inhabited by "spirits" is called
Primitive religion utilized magic
to obtain favor from the spirits
All of the following are attributes of a civilization
religious hierarchy, urban settlement, writing, and labor specialization
The four earliest civilizations arose
river valleys
The first mechanical device invented was the
potter wheel
The type of government found in the earliest Mesopotamian cities could best be described as
In the early Mesopotamian city-states, land
was divided between the temples and large private estates
The development of strong kingship in Sumerian cities was usually associated with
popular revolt against oppression
These were developed in early Mesopotamia
the wheel, the potter's wheel, and the sailboat
Hammurabi is best known for his
code of laws
The Babylonians made advances in mathematics, including
a system of counting based on the unit 60; still used for time and angles, fractions, quadratic equations, and square and cube roots
Mesopotamian religion as developed by the Sumerians and the Babylonians did NOT include a belief that
humans were immortal beings
Mesopotamian religion held that only ________ could protect humans from evil spirits.
rituals and omens
The pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt emphasized
public works and benefits for the masses.
During the reign of the Hyksos, all of the following occurred in Egypt EXCEPT
abolition of the pharaoh
The Egyptian trading network included all of the following EXCEPT
The Persian Gulf
While the Egyptian pharaoh enjoyed absolute power, the social stratification allowed a rise in status based on
The annual flooding of the Nile River reaches its crest in
The main contributions of the Hebrews included
religion and ethics
In 70 C.E., the Diaspora of the Jews by the Romans
allowed the influence of Greco-Roman culture on the Jews, did not destroy Judaism, ended the political entity of the Jews until the 20th century, and sent the Jews from their homeland
Which of the following is NOT consistent with the Assyrian Empire?
lack of trade
Which of the following was NOT an original achievement of the Hittites?
the use of cuneiform script
The Hebrew Kingdom of Judah was captured by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B.C.E., resulting in all the following EXCEPT
The rebuilding of Jerusalem
Which of the following was LEAST characteristic of the Persian Empire and civilization?
persecution of racial minorities
Zoroastrianism influenced the Judeo-Christian tradition with its
belief in final judgement
Zoroaster founded a religion
establishing ethical precepts