Behaviorists argued
language is learned or nurtured
Behaviorist believe
Child must be ready to acquire language, right mental capacity, be able to take in and interpret info, and influence is on environment
Nativists believe
Environment plays some role, child must have exposure to languages
Plasticity (cognitive flexibility)
Human brain has a dynamic ability to change constantly as individuals learn
Noam Chomsky (theorists- nativists theory- independent theory)
Language is innate or biologically based, only humans are capable of acquiring and using language as we know it, language is universal
LAD stands for
Language Acquisition Device- Learning rules of native language
LAD is driven by
knowldege common to all languages and widely debated
Language acquisition
discovering and applying rules of ones native language
Consistency + structure + routine =
Transformational generative grammar
Devised by Chomsky to account for the production of unlimited grammatically acceptable sentences
Phrase Structure Rules
Describes the underlying relationships of words and phrases referred to as DEEP
Rules that describe the rearrangement of deep structures as they are moved to the next level of structure, or the SURFACE referred to as the rules
Behaviorist Theories
Focuses on observable behaviors and language patterns in children to explain language development
Behaviorists argue that language is
Something humans do not something they have
Language is learned by
imitation, reinforcement and successive approximations toward adult language behaviors
Is most critical factor in language acquisition

F. Skinner

Most closely associated with the behaviorist interpretation of speech and language development. He viewed nearly all behavior as leaned according to operant conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Speech is learned behavior, any behavior whose frequency can be affected by the responses that follow it
If behavior increases as a consequence of the response that follows
If frequency decreases
Behaviors occur in sequences including speech behaviors/ stringing words together occurs as a result of chaining
5 Conditioned Verbal Behaviors (Skinner)
Echolic, Tact, Mand, Intraverbal, Autoclitic
Imitate model when objects or ideas are present
Verbal behavior that associates the name with an object, action or event
Verbal behavior used to request or demand
Social talk freely associated in situational contexts
Linking words into sentences based on observations
Classical Conditioning
When an originally neutral stimulus is paired with unconditional stimulus that elicits unconditional response
Interactionist Influence
Current view of learning, combined approach of biology and environment working together for long growth
Interactionist Interpretations (3 Views)
Semantic, Cognitive, and Social interactionist Views)
Semantic View
Shifted from structure of language conveyed by grammar to the meaning children convey/ related to development of thought (cognition) and the ability to use land. in the construction of meaning
Cognitive View
Connections between Piagett's stage of cognitive dev. and stages of speech and language/ language emerges as a product of cog.

organization and development/ imitation is important

Process of language acquisition is
not separate from but related to cogn. development
Age critical for language development
Birth-2 years
Social Interactionist View
Explored a middle ground/ both bio and environmental factors, assume language acquisition is a product of child's early interaction with important people in their life/ children interact socially before they produce language/ Develops as a natural consequence
Zone of Proximal Development (Vygotsky)
opportunities that we have to provide the help children need to make steady progress in development
Behaviorists believe children are
passive recipients of language
Interactionists believe children are
active participants in language acquisition
Manner in which caregivers talk to children/ add reduncacy to language with more repetitions/ repeat what child said to provide feedback/ maintain turn taking/ vary pitch of voices and use pauses
Gender Differences
Fathers are more likely to use less commonly used words in their vocab
Occurs when adult repeats what a child has said but adds additional words or structure-> therapy strategy
5 Conditioned Verbal Behaviors