the belief that there are many gods **this idea was rejected by the Jews
the belief that there is only one God
the collection of ancient Jewish writings, or commentaries, that interpret the laws and teachings of the Hebrew Bible
a set of moral principles or values**Should I help a child who is lost?
to banish or expel from one's own country or home
Jewish Diaspora
the scattering of the Jewish people outside their homeland, beginning about 586 B.

C.E. ***threaten the survival of Judaism

an ancient city in Israel that became a center for Jewish learning
a house of worship
After Solomon's death, what weakened the land of the Israelites?
The kingdom of Israel split into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Israel.
Babylon's king, Nebuchadrezzar, captured the city of Jerusalem and took the Jews
captive, moving them to Babylon.
Four central teachings of Judaism
1. Monotheism2.

Following Jewish Teachings3. Equality and Social Justice4. The Importance of Study

The Exodus from Egypt is now celebrated as
the festival of Passover.
The main job of a rabbi is to
teach the Jewish forms of worship and ways of life.
The Ten Commandments teach
religious practices, like set aside a holy day each week, and morals, like do not steal and do not murder.
According to Judaism, standards of right and wrong come from

The central teaching of ancient Judaism were in danger of being lost because
there was much fighting between the Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans which caused the Jews to disperse in what is know as the Jewish Diaspora.
The central teachings of ancient Judaism survived to the present day because
ben Zaccai set up a Jewish learning center in Yavneh. The rabbis taught other rabbis, then sent them home to teach others. Ben Zaccai made synagogues a center of the Jewish life and created religious services.