Synaptic Plasticity
Activity dependent changes in synaptic transmission that can alter the normal circuitry and thus behavioral response
What did Santiago Ramon y Cajal think?
Mechanisms underlying learning does not require formation of new neurons, but strengthening connections between existing neurons
Hebbian Plasticity + what else did Hebb contribute?
Neurons that fire together wire together -Proposed synaptic plasticity as a theoretical mechanism for learning and memory
Synaptic Plasticity leads to change in ________ at what two locations?
Circuit Function Both Pre-and Post synaptic locations
Short-term synaptic plasticity (Time course and how it occurs)
-Seconds to minutes 1. Post-translational modification of existing proteins
Long-Term Synaptic Plasticity (Time course and how it occurs)
-Hours/Days/Years 1. Changes in Gene expression 2. Protein Synthesis 3. Growth of new synapses
Functional Roles of Synaptic Plasticity

Development 2. Learning 3. Memory 4. Motor Control

Molecular Mechanisms of Synaptic Plasticity (6)
1. NMDA Receptor Activation 2.

Protein Kinase Activation 3. Phosphatase Activation 4. AMPA Receptor Insertion 5. Gene expression and protein synthesis 6.

Growth/Loss of synapses

One major advantage of using Aplysia
Huge neurons - over 100 microns in diameter You can stick an electrode in with your hand
Simple Learning Examples
1. Habituation 2. Sensitization 3. Classical Conditioning
2 Neural Mechanisms for Learning and who advocated for them
Presynaptic - Kandelians Postsynaptic - Glanzman
What kind of approach was taken with aplysia?
Reductionist! This is a simpler system with a simpler NS
How many neurons are in Aplysia brain? Compared to Human?
2x10^4 Human has 10^12
Describe the Gill Withdrawal Reflex
Tactile or electrical stimulation of the siphon or mantle elicits withdrawal of the gill & siphon into the mantle cavity
Non-Associative Learning
Reflective mechanism - not associating a stimulus with anything Poke in the eye is going to cause you to reflexively avoid that in the future
Example of non-associative learning
Habituation - a meaningless stimulus might startle someone the first time (clap) but get less reaction later
What does habituation need?
A consistent interval within a short period of time
Reduction of a response with repeated presentation of a stimulus
Habituated Gill Withdrawal - what else could be be due to?
Muscle Fatigue Change in motor neuron response
How do we know that habituated gill withdrawal is not due to those things?
A touch on the head (not siphon) produces a full response after habituation has occurred
Kandel's Proposed mechanism of habituation
Reduction of synaptic release of NT at some point in the neural network
How do you experiment on habituation with the gill withdrawal reflex?
Keep NS intact, cut away most of body, leave the siphon skin & tail still connected together and to the system -Map the synaptic connectivity
What is the system between the siphon skin and the gill?
Sensory neuron to interneuron Interneuron to motor neuron to gill **Sensory neuron also goes straight to motor neuron
What is the system between the tail skin and the gill?
Sensory neuron to modulatory interneuron Modulatory neuron to interneuon Interneuron to motor neuron to gill **Modulatory interneuron also goes straight to motor neuron
What was occurring during habituation?
Presynaptic Phenomenon -Depression of NT release between the siphon afferent and the motor neuron **NOT synaptic fatigue, bc that behavior comes back when you re sensitize the animal
Habituation Experiment - What did the depression do? How long did it last?
Lasts for Minutes -Presynaptic -Reduction in strength of excitatory synapses between sensory neuron and motor neuron -Decrease in number of synaptic vesicles available for release
Generalization of an aversive response elicited by a noxious stimulus to another non-noxious stimuli
Short Term Sensitization - What form of facilitation is this?
Presynaptic -Recruitment of additional synaptic elements that modulate synaptic transmission at sensory neuron-motor neuron synapse -Enhancement of NT release onto motor neurons
Sensitization - What is responsible for short and long term?
Short - Presynaptic Long - Becomes both pre and post synaptic
What does the sensory neuron release on the motor neuron?
How does sensitization happen? What NT is responsible?
Serotonin is released presnaptically & acts through adenylyl cyclase to ultimately close K+ channels
How serotonin acts in sensitization (Short Term!)

Serotonin binds to receptor on sensory neuron 2. Activates adenylyl cyclase 3. ATP to cAMP 4. cAMP activates PKA 5.

PKA closes K+ channels 6. Depolarizes the cell 7. VG Ca2+ channels open 8. Ca2+ comes in 9.

Increase in vesicle release 10. Increases response of a motor neuron to the same stimulus

Describe Long Term Sensitization steps
1. Same steps with serotonin & eventual PKA activity 2. Sustained PKA activity - gets translocated to the nucleus 3. Ultimately binds to TF in nucleus 4.

Activates transcription of genes 5. Some of those are enzymes that keep PKA in activate state 6. Leading to an increase in Ca2+ concentration & bigger post synaptic response

What other long term change occurs in sensitization?
Structural! Number of synapse is increasing as well as the efficacy of those synapses
Classical Conditioning
Change in responsiveness to one stimulus (CS) based on association with another stimulus (US)
Describe Classical Conditioning in Aplysia
US - Shock CS - Lightly touching the siphon Eventually, touching the siphon will lead to a strong withdrawal reflex
Proposed mechanism for classical conditioning
Enhanced presynaptic facilitation -Ca2+ channels open bc CS already fired the sensory neuron -Serotonin effect is enhanced bc Ca2+ binds to calmodulin - binds to adenylyl cyclase, etc
Which two types of learning depend on presynaptic facilitation?
Classical Conditioning Sensitization
Role of NMDA receptors in classical conditioning in Aplysia
Coincidence Detectors on the motor neuron
3 steps of post synaptic depolarization
1) LTP 2) Upregulation of AMPA receptor function 3) Stimulation of retrograde signal
2 Parts of Presynaptic Activation
1) Late Phase presynaptic facilitation 2) Late-Phase hyperexcitability