What were 3 great faces of immigration to the united states?
1.) late 19th century, northwestern Europeans constituted the 1st wave of immigration2.

) late 19th and early 20th centuries, southern and eastern Europeans made up the 2nd wave, passed through Ellis Island 3.) recent decades--> 3rd wave, consisted of hispanics and asians. 1980's second largest number of immigrations

what was the goal of the Simpson-Mazzoli Act?
-it requires that employers document citizenship of their employers-things to stop illegal immigration from mix and central latin america
How have these demographic changes affected political changes? immigration, regional shifts, aging population
immigration: after census, house of reps. are reallocated to the states on the basis of population changesregional shifts: population growth has been coveted in west and southaging population: florida population grows from elderly-social security
explain the significance of each of the following as sources for political learning: family, mass media, schools
family: children views are usually after their parents mass media: "new parent"--> TV is main source of infoschools: try to raise children committed to the basis values of the system. Learned about virtues of capitalism and democracy and will learn positive features of system and be supportive citizens
name 2 ways in which aging affects political behavior

political participation--> older the person the more political participation2. public opinion--> learning to vote, evaluate political events, to pick a political party

what is the key to the accuracy of opinion polls?
random sampling
3 criticism of public opinion polling
1. makes politicians more concerned with following than leading 2. weaken democracy by distressing the election process 3.

election day exit polls-->used by major media pollsters to predict electoral winners with speed and precision

what is the "paradox of mass politics" according to Russell Neuman?
the American political system works as well as it does given the discomforting lack of public knowledge about politics
what is the largest impact of declining trust in government since the 1960s
has been the way it has drained public support for polices that address the problems of poverty and racial inequality
Liberals: general beliefs and typical demographic characteristics
general beliefs: wide scope of govt. with polices that promote equality typical demographic characteristics: under 30, women, minorities(race, religion)
Conservatives: general beliefs and typical demographic characteristics
general beliefs: typical demographic characteristics: over 30, white, men
explain how the role of religion influences political ideology in the U.S.
-determined more by religiosity-that is the degree to which religion is important in one's life-than by religious denomination
-people could connect their opinions and beliefs with broad policy positions taken by parties or candidates -12%
group benefits
-thought of politics mainly in terms of the group they liked or disliked-42%
nature of the times voters
-their handle on positives was limited to whether the times seemed good or bad to them-24%
no issue content
-voted routinely for a party or judged the candidate sole by their personalities -22%
what is the public's general attitude about the scope of government
it has become too wide ranging
how does minority group status affect political participation
they tend to be lower class so they don't participate that much
how many people vote in presidential election
over 120 million
commment on how Americans' lack of political knowledge and low participation rated affect democracy
-people are doing other things other than watching the news -so when it comes to voting time they don't know who to vote for so they just don't vote and that affects democracy