developing countries
Most of the world population growth in the near future will be in
ability to regulate our reproduction
which of the following is a uniquely human trait?
From 1900 to 2000, the human population on Earth
parental care of long duration
Which of the following human traits are typical of K-strategists?
interactions of the global human population
Unlike most species, human population ecology must also include consideration of the
roaming groups of omnivorous chimps
About 30,000 years ago, humans survived most like which of the following organisms?
modern agriculture to raise food crops
The Neolithic Revolution is most clearly seen in human culture today in our use of
extensive air and water pollution
Which problem today is primarily the result of the Industrial Revolution?
green revolution
The ability to feed the growing world population was addressed by the
neolithic, industrial, medical, green, enviironmental
Which of the following represents the correct sequence of revolutions as they occurred?
medical revolution
The epidemiologic transition is largely a result of the
an increase in human carrying capacity
The five main revolutions of human history have all resulted in
pollution and land for agriculture
Which of the following are current limiting factors for future human population growth?
7.7 billion
In a significant 2004 paper reviewing 69 papers on world human population and carrying capacity, the authors estimated that the sustainable carrying capacity of humans is about
it was clear the nation could not live within the limit of its resources if the population continued to grow.
China's one-child policy was adopted because
greater use of birth control by most members of a society
Using the IPAT formula, which of the following would most likely reduce the environmental impact of a society?
environmental footprint
The amount of land and ocean needed to provide the resources for one person and absorb his/her wastes defines the
immigration, total fertility rate, and age of first reproduction
The best predictions of US population growth consider
the population will increase by about 1.5 million people
If a country experiences 6 births, 4 deaths, and 1 new immigrant every minute of a year, how will its population change in one year?
Projections of future world population do not typically include
0.5% and assumes no migration.
In one year, a population of 10,000 people experiences a birth rate of 220 and a death rate of 170 people. The annual percent increase is
has undergone demographic transition
Thailand has experienced a dramatic drop in fertility rate, increased per capita income and an increase in life expectancy between 1960 and 2005. These are all signs that Thailand
the benefits of modern medicine but not the benefits of economic development
Countries caught in the poverty-population trap have experienced
decrease as per capita income increases
In general, fertility rates
ending extreme poverty and hunger all over the world
The Millennium Development Goals focus on
provide meals and mosquito nets for every child under the age of five
Which of the following activities would be consistent with the Millennium Development Goals?
limit their population growth through improving women's health and education.
The recent Cairo and Stockholm population conferences in 1994 and 2014 found widespread agreement that the greatest way to help developing countries was to
the education and enfranchisement of women
Social modernization involves many aspects that revolve around
communicable diseases.
Compared to a person in a developed country, a person in a developing country is about eight times more likely to die from
help the government promote family planning throughout the country
You are a newly appointed advisor in a government project to help move a developing country forward economically. With limited financial resources and staffing, which of the following would be your highest priority?
small amounts of money to women
Small-scale businesses in Bangladesh have done well because of the Grameen bank lending
lack of any soil conservation practices, continuous cropping, coupled with natural drought.
The Dust Bowl in the United States in the 1930s was caused primarily by
decomposers break down detritus to release nutrients used by producers.
Within soil, a natural cycle of
c horizon
Which one of the following soil horizons is least likely to interact directly with living organisms?
Poor drainage, salinity, and high levels of aluminum
Which of the following can best be classified as "soil constraints"?
No plowing, drip irrigation, and the use of organic fertilizers
Which of the following farming practices would be expected to produce the least nutrient leaching and thus contribute most to soil sustainability?
compacting the soil, decreasing aeration and infiltration.
Children learning the process of good home gardening decide to help as best they can. Every day they walk along rows of bean plants, carefully inspecting each plant for insect and removing any that they find. However, the bean plants do not grow well and few beans form. Their parents notice the beans, inspect the plants and soil, and tell the children that walking around the plants every day has hurt the plants by
the humus-forming processes of topsoil is renewed by the addition of detritus and humus
In the healthy environment of a sustainable soil,
The greatest cause of topsoil loss around the world is
decrease wind erosion and increase soil moisture
Planting rows of trees or shrubs around the periphery of a plowed field are long established farming practices that
no-till planting
The farm machinery that opens a furrow through the soil and mulch of dead weeds, drops seeds and fertilizer and then closes the furrow is engaged in the erosion-reducing technique of
the availability of food
Up until about 12,000 years ago, human populations were primarily limited by
power farm machinery and to produce fertilizers and pesticides.
The Industrial Revolution has led to an increased reliance on fossil fuels to
required high levels of increasingly expensive fertilizer and pesticides
Although the Green Revolution has greatly reduced world hunger and malnutrition, it has
produce 14% of the greenhouse gas methane, which causes global warming
Cattle production in the United States and other developed nations involves CAFOs that
contain genes from animals or bacteria
Transgenic plants are generally different from traditional hybrid plants produced hundreds of years ago, because transgenic plants may
Globally, an imbalance in grain productivity requires some countries to import grain from places where production exceeds consumption. Which of the following would benefit the most from the use of biotechnology or other techniques to increase grain production in their region?
malnutrition and undernourishment, especially in children
In sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, the major nutritional problems relate to
non-biodegradable, persistent molecules
Chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides, like DDT, are synthetic versions of
body fat
The highest amounts of pesticides or their breakdown products would be found within a cougar in its
genetic and natural chemical control
Developing a new form of ecological pest control, researchers engineer crops to produce the pheromones of the pest. The crops now produce the pest pheromone, overwhelming the fields and causing the male pests to fail to find a mate. This new form of ecological pest control combines
They are GM plants that incorporate the gene for producing a potent bacterially produced insecticide.
Which of the following about Bt crops is true?
muscle power
For most of human history, and in developing countries today, the major source of energy has been
Although considerable variation exists around the world, globally the percent of fossil fuels that are used for the primary energy supply is more tha
suffered respiratory diseases
People living in cities from the late 1850s through at least the 1930s often
their formation is so slow
Fossil fuels are considered non-renewable sources of energy because
maximum U.S. oil production about 1970.
The Hubbert peak accurately predicted
mountaintop removal mining to remove coal.
In the southern Appalachian Mountains, hundreds of miles of streams and freshwater systems are destroyed in the process of
using the waste heat generated to warm buildings
CHP conserves energy in industrial buildings by
generates no sulfur dioxide or carbon dioxide emissions.
Compared to the generation of electricity using coal, nuclear power
has remained steady at around 100 reactors
Over the past 30 years in the United States, nuclear power production
has gradually increased at about 3% a year for the last decade
In general, the global reliance on nuclear power to generate electricity
Fission begins with one reactant and yields two atomic products and a release of energy.
The number of reactants and products varies in fission and fusion reactions.
Your DNA in cells that were radiated may be damaged.
If the radiation you received from your x-ray does pose a health risk, how can this radiation cause the greatest harm?
At present, the total number of long-term, commercial, below-ground nuclear waste depository sites in use in the United States is
selecting an environment that will remain stable for more than 10,000 years.
One of the major problems associated with long-term, high-level nuclear waste storage is
contributes less to global climate change.
Which of the following is a clear advantage in the use of nuclear power instead of fossil fuels? Nuclear power
collection, conversion, and storage of energy.
As sun shines on its leaves, a bean plant uses the light in photosynthesis to make beans. This entire process represents, in this sequence, the
passive solar heating
In the winter in Wisconsin, a person going to work at 8 AM parks her car so that it is in bright sunlight in the afternoon. When she gets in her car about 5 PM, the inside is warm because of
in just one step
Current photovoltaic technology uses sunlight to generate electricity
nuclear fission
Which one of the following does not represent indirect solar energy?
eliminate farmland and wildlife habitats in the regions that are flooded
Although hydroelectric dams generate electricity without producing greenhouse gases, they
second-generation biofuel using enzymes that convert cellulose to fermentable sugar.
If ethanol production in the United States more than doubles between 2015 and 2022, it will need to rely on
Using hydrogen to run a car is most like using electricity stored in a battery.
hydrogen is most abundant combined with oxygen.
In our natural environment,
hydrogen and oxygen and generates electricity and water.
A hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell uses
the energy from that source is easy to get and cheap.
EROI refers to the ratio of energy returned to energy invested in that energy source. When the number is large,
and efficiency will automatically reduce the generation of greenhouse gases
Energy policies that promote the use of renewable-energy resources
Germany has transformed its energy policies and economic infrastructure to accommodate development of renewable energy.
In 2015, Germany has had major investments in renewable energy, and Germany has set a goal to eventually supply 80% of the nation's power through renewable energy. Which of these is the best conclusion to draw about Germany?
about 2%
In 2013, 10 percent of the energy used in the United States was renewable energy. Of that renewable energy, 17.9 percent was from wind. Therefore, in 2013, how much of the total energy used in the United States was from wind?
passive solar heating
Every winter morning when the sun is shining bright, a man pulls back the drapes on a large south-facing window. Here in Montana, he knows that he can help heat his home this way using
solar collecting panels on rooftops
The fastest-growing energy technology in the world is illustrated by