at what time was the golden age of ancient greece?
2500 years ago, 500 BC
why should americans study greek culture?
many of the ideals americans cherish come from greek thinking
how is a city state more thank just a city?
city-states were large areas of land whose inhabitants fell under the rule of the city area, they were like mini countries, they were the law and protection of the surrounding plains.
how were women oppressed in ancient greece?
they were less educated, not given freedoms, had gender separation, and were viewed as subordinates
what would happen if the family did not have a male heir?
all the wealth would be passed on to the nearest male relation upon the fathers death
what was the goal of every greek wife?
to produce a make heir
when was murder completely legal in ancient greece?
if a wife had an affair
what is a greek adage about their newborn children?
"If it is a boy, keep it. If it is girl, expose it."
what was a sophist?
Sophist means "a lover of wisdom," teach philosophy and rhetoric, under criticism of Socrates
what was the most dangerous greek sport?
what was the "bible" of the greeks?
the Illiad
what were the two tools greeks used to teach reading and writing?
Iliad and Odessey
according to geek moral code, what two crimes were capital offenses?
murdering/dishonoring a guest and failing to properly bury a dead body
spotting what kind of bird during the daytime foretold death?
which god or godess was most honored in athens?
how did citizens vote in athens?
in person with rocks
what groups were excluded from athenian citizenship?
women, slaves, free foreigners
what type of democracy did athenians have?
direct democray
when did the fist olympics occur?
776 BC
what olympic contest was help at the hippodrome?
chariot racing
what are the five sports in the pentathlon?
running, jumping, wrestleing, javelin and discus
how were the lives of athenian women different from those of spartan women. would you rather be an athenian or spartan?
spartan women had freedom, were equals, could own propety, could train, and their clothing was not regualted.
spartan boys were flogged yearly for what reason?
to teach them endurance
what did the apprintenceship of younger boys to older boys accomplish?
they formed an intense bond and were willing to die for each other
hat story demonstrated spartan disipline?
a boy hid a fox under his shirt(for food) when he was talking to a spartan dignitary so he wouldn't be beaten and ended up being eaten by the fox. the dignitary did not notice the fox until the boy died
Hippocrates is often called?
the father of medicene
write one line from the hippocratic oath you find to be important and tell why it is important to you?
"I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice." ...
why was alexander the great such a sucessful conquered?
he was the first to use colonization
how was socrates different from the sophists?
he did not get paid for his teaching (he believed that knowledge should be free) and only taught pursuit of the Truth
who were the "scientists" of ancient greece?
the philosophers
what does philosphy mean in greek?
love of wisdom
what is the socratic method?
socrates style of teaching by questiong
how was ancient greek different from the golden age?
their was no written history
what are the three rumors concerning homer?
1) he was blind 2) he was actually a group of people 3) he was a woman
what is an epic poem?
poem written in the form a a story
which did the greeks like better- the Illiad and the Odessy?
the Illiad- they liked a story about nobles and gods battling more then a sailor fighting monsters
herodotus is called?
the father of history
most greek house hold had how many slaves?
anywhere from 2-3 to hundereds
lawyers could do what to slaves to get information?
torture them
what jobs could a slave have?
manufacture armor, work in mines, farms and warships
greeks believed your spirit could not rest if..?
the body was not properly buried
how did one warship defeat another?
ramming into another ship, running the ship into rocks, disabling the crew
how did rowers keep in time with eachother?
a flute
how many specters could be seated in a theater?
what is a chorus?
12-15 men who sang and danced in response to the actors
what is catharis?
emotional cleansing
who is the patron god of theater?