Strategies that can be used to best build growth in word analysis and identification include all of the following except: a."Scrabble" type games using words from the Word Wall. Explanation: This activity would be a good one to enhance word analysis/identification skills as students have to analyze, build and use new words. b. "Popcorn" reading in which one student starts reading a passage in front of the class and another says "popcorn" and continues the reading c. posting and using in a game-type activity, prefixes and suffixes to build new words. d. re-writing sentences using synonyms found in a Thesaurus
b. "Popcorn" reading in which one student starts reading a passage in front of the class and another says "popcorn" and continues the reading. Explanation: This can be a fun activity if the text that is being read is a familiar one and on the level of the students. However, it would not necessarily promote word analysis and identification.
Early Childhood learners that have not developed phonological and phonemic awareness may: I. Be English Language Learners. II. Have a lack of early parental bonding. III. Have a learning disability. IV. Have had less time in practicing the skill set.
I, III, IV Explanation: . This is one reason for young children to not have these skills. Teachers need to recognize that all languages are not phonics-based. III. This is one of the correct answers even though it is difficult at this age to determine such a disability. IV. Early Childhood learners have had little time in school in practicing particular skills in this area. This is one of the correct answers.
A first grade teacher can formally and informally assess students' phonemic awareness development in a variety of ways including all EXCEPT: having the student blend together sounds into words that the teacher gives orally repeating the words back after the teacher says them aloud having the student read silently and write down certain syllables have the student give rhymes to short words that the teacher gives orally
having the student read silently and write down certain syllables. Explanation : When a student is reading silently, the teacher cannot assess the pronunciation. Also, phonemic awareness is the ability to hear individual sounds, not necessarily read them. Therefore, this is the answer to the question.
Phonemic Awareness
the ability to hear individual sounds, not necessarily read them
Phonological awareness is the ability to identify:
individual words, sounds and syllables
An Early Childhood teacher would offer which scenario to assess a student's phonological awareness understanding? I. "Count the Words" where a teacher says a short sentence aloud and, after repeating it a few times, the student places a number one, two, three, etc. on his/her desk depending on the number of words in the sentences. II. "Stepping Sentences" where a teacher calls on a group of students to stand when their assigned word is called aloud. III. "Syllable Segmentation" where a teacher has a student clap on every syllable of a word that is called aloud. IV. Assigning phonetic principles and symbols to portions of words
I, II, and III
The teacher reads a passage and asks students to listen for rhyming words. At the end of the reading, the teacher asks the students to think of sets of rhyming words. Which of the following developments would this activity be used in assessing? I. Vowel and Consonant Rules II. Onset and Rimes III. Phonological Awareness IV. Syntax
II and III Explanation : II. This is one of the correct answers. Onset and rimes means that the onset is the initial sound in a word and the remaining sound is the rime. Students need to be able to hear these sounds. III. This is one of the correct answers. Phonological awareness is when students hear distinct words, sounds and syllables.
Onset and Rimes
the onset is the initial sound in a word and the remaining sound is the rime. Students need to be able to hear these sounds.
Which of the following would not be one of the appropriate strategies to promote Letter Identification among first grade students at the beginning of the school year?
Students write the alphabet in order every morning when they come into class Explanation: This does not necessarily help students identify letters unless they also pronounce the letters as they write them. Therefore, this is not a strategy that is especially helpful for letter identification in a first grade class - at the beginning of the school year.
A fourth grade teacher incorporates newspaper and magazine articles into the daily lesson. Which of the following would this activity best re-enforce? I.Print Orientation skills II.Graphophonemic skills. Graphophonemic knowledge is understanding the relationship between symbols (letters and words) and sounds of a language III.Grapheme skills for which the teacher provides a specific activity IV.Interdisciplinary Reading Comprehension skills
III and IV Explanation: III. A grapheme is a symbol, letter, or combination of letters that represents a single sound. These skills could be reinforced through the use of newspapers if the teacher has specific lessons on finding certain graphemes. IV. Newspapers and magazines are excellent sources to read and discuss issues that are going on in the real world. They might be used for science, math, or social studies, according to a teacher's plans.
a symbol, letter, or combination of letters that represents a single sound.
Graphophonemic skills
Graphophonemic knowledge is understanding the relationship between symbols (letters and words) and sounds of a language
Which of the following would best promote student's knowledge about how printed words represent specific sounds
Provide labels for commonly referred to items around the classroom Explanation: This is the correct answer. When students see and hear sounds in words on a repeated basis, their print awareness skills are reinforced and enhanced.
Students in Mrs. Smith's fourth grade classroom are being taught how, in original texts, to use appropriate writing conventions that will enhance the communication of their writing. Which of the following lists include ways to do this
Penmanship, capitalization and punctuation Explanation: This is the correct answer. Legible writing, along with appropriate punctuation and capitalization are extremely important in written communication.
. Which of the following would best promote collaboration with student's families and an elementary teacher to promote student's alphabetic development? I. Have a Bingo Alphabet/Word game as homework II. Require weekly reading logs to be signed by parents indicating that they have listened to their child read certain books, passages or number of minutes III. Have community retired volunteers read aloud to the class
I and II Explanation: I. This is a correct answer since it is in regard to a specific homework assignment that would involve families. II. This is one way to encourage family involvement and collaboration
Sequencing is one of the structures of expository text. Which of the following words bests indicated a time sequence?
First, last, later, now, after
Mrs. Dickinson, a new fourth grade social studies teacher, is working with her students to compare and contrast the contributions of two individuals, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, during the Revolutionary Period. In order to help students make comparisons like this, Mrs. Dickinson decides on a "concrete" strategy that she thinks will likely be most helpful to students both now and for future comparisons. Which of the following would be most helpful for Mrs. Dickson to use for this purpose?
Teach and model for her students how to develop a Venn diagram that shows what is unique about each individual and also any likenesses Explanation: Using a Venn diagram allows the students to concretely view what was alike and what was different about Washington and Jefferson. A Venn diagram is when you make 2 (or 3) overlapping circles in which information is written and shown likenesses and differences. Any points that are alike or very similar are written in the overlapping parts of this kind of graphic representation.
Which of the following would an elementary teacher be assessing when they require students to identify select letters on a newspaper?
Letter Identification
To continuously enhance the alphabetic principle, an elementary teacher would: I. Provide numerous oral readings with emphasis on certain words while pointing to those words. II. Play "Word vs. Letter" games in print form. III. Utilize play dough letters or have students trace letters with their fingers; then they give the sound of the letter.
I, II, III Explanation: I- This is one of the correct answers. The teacher needs to show the words as she/he is reading such as in Big Books or from posters. II- This is one of the correct answers. The game could be one in which the teacher holds up a word or letter; if it is a word, the students put their thumbs up; if it is a letter, they put their thumbs down and give the sound of the letter. III- This is one of the correct answers when the students make the sound of the letter they are forming.
A first grade teacher might design a word wheel where only the beginning letter of the word changes when you spin the wheel. This activity best assesses which of the following
Initial Blends
Word Building Blocks" where a student uses blocks of letters to build words from the Word Wall is effective in building skills in:
sight words.
Vowel digraphs are defined as: I.Two vowels that make only one sound. II.Two vowels that make a sound where one vowel is heard III.Two vowels followed by an "r" such as "eer " and "oor."
A first grade teacher would use a Dr. Seuss book to ask students to listen for specific kinds of words and then record these on the board. This activity will best reinforce which of the following? I. "R" controlled words II. Building rhyming word families III. Sight words
II and III Explanation: III- This is incorrect because sight words are words whose spelling is not straightforward. Sight words cannot be "sound out" by students and must be learned through memorization. Examples would be "said, me, is".
By the time students are in fourth and fifth grades, teachers expect the students to be fluent in reading which comes from having and using a large repertoire of word identification skills. Fluency involves:
rate, accuracy, and intonation, along with state norms.
A fifth grade science teacher wants to determine if the reading from the textbook and some assigned outside readings are on the correct reading level for her students. She asks the campus reading specialist what she can do to find out if the materials are on the instructional reading level, in particular with several students who are English Language Learners. Which of the following is the most likely response by the reading specialist about the how to decide the appropriate reading level?
Students to read aloud a passage of 80 words while the teacher counts to see if they make more than 8 errors in their reading Explanation: This is the correct answer. For reading that is challenging but manageable as in many textbooks, students should not miss more than 1 word out of every 10 to be on their own instructional reading level.
Mrs. DeLaCruz has found that denotative meaning of a word or visual image is somewhat easier for these students. Denotative meaning is:
the clear specific meaning often derived from a dictionary.
Beyond word memorization, students must learn to read new words using which of the following skills?
Using decoding skills Using structural cues such as prefixes, suffixes, and roots Using context clues
These words cannot be divided into smaller parts: dog, run, fox, jump. Which of the following best describes words that cannot be divided into smaller part
Which of the following activities would be most beneficial in helping enhance students' oral language skills?
Providing many one-on-one and group activities including that are meaningful and purposeful such as story-telling, singing songs, creating rhymes, holding class discussions
Teachers of young children must have a clear understanding of syntax. Which of the following is the best definition of syntax?
The rules that control the construction of words in order to make phrases, clauses, and sentences
Phonological awareness is important for all but one of the following reasons:
phonological awareness will enable students to stay engaged for longer periods of time in sustained silent reading.
Two phonological awareness skills that have proven most helpful to teach first are to students are?
Phoneme manipulation and blending/segmenting phonemes in words
The systematic teaching of phonics and word recognition skills has been found to have a positive impact on students' literacy development in all but one of the following ways:
is less effective for at-risk students.
In order for a first grade teacher to scaffold her teaching of phonics and word recognition skills, she knows that students must already have skill development in three areas. Of the following areas, which is not a necessary skill for understanding word recognition and phonics?
Has a basic understanding of literacy analysis