This developmental phase is believed to be culturally constructed in modern Industrialized cultures
Emerging adulthood
The process of trying out different identities before settling on one
The identity status linked with low exploration and high commitment
Hormones in boys and girls that lead to secondary sex characteristics
Androgens and estrogens
The two causes of a "phase delay" in sleep in adolescence
Biological changes / media use
"If you skip school you will get detention"
Punishment and obedience orientation
"Even if Marc and Chris are friends, it is Marc's duty as a good citizen to report that Chris stole a car. Anyone can't just break the law"
Social-order maintaining orientation
"If Haley decides to take the blame for her sister breaking the vase, that's her decision to make and can live with the consequences"
Instrumental purpose orientation
Most people do not get past this stage, in Kohlberg's moral development
Stage 4
The type of moral reasoning achieved usually with advanced education in philosophy or similar disciplines
Principled Level
These neural circuits underlie increased emotional decision making in mid-adolescence
Limbic/ corticolimbic
These part of the brain matures last and is responsible for planful rational decision making
prefrontal cortex
The process that speeds up information processing in the brain
The age at which the brain is believed to finally reach "maturity"
The effects of media multitasking
Fragments the attention span
"Dad, you'll never understand what its like to be a teenager!"
Personal fable
"OMG everyone is going to stare at my zit at school!"
Imaginary audience
Disclosure drops to this group but rises to that group in adolescence
Parents/ friends
The period of frequent but not intense parent-child arguments
Early adolescence
The 3 most important characteristics in a friend during adolescence
Intimacy, understanding, loyalty
The main hallmark of formal operational thinking
Abstract thinking
This cognitive skill is used adolescence to poke holes in parents' arguments
Propositional logic
Decision making is often guided by this in mid-adolescence
Emotions, or Short term goals
Who you are, what you value, and the direction you pursue in life
Personal identity