Personal behaviors
Concentrated areas of energy aligned vertically in the body that relate to eachother as well as specific areas of the body/mind/spirit
Sound of the entire universe
Avoidance of violence
Breath/Life Force
Moderation of the senses (specifically sexuality)
The divine in me recognizes the divine in you
Practices for union with true self.
Abdominal Lock (if Uddiyana Bandha)
Non-possessiveness and non-attachment
A surrender for the small self to the higher self; Devotion
Father of yoga; Wrote "The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali" (195 sutras to live ethical life and incorporate yoga into life)
"Heat"; Self-Discipline
Withdrawal from the senses
10 CorePower Yoga Principles
(1) Asana
(2) Prana
(3) Vinyasa
(4) Tapas
(5) Drishti and Dharana
(6) Alignment and Safety
(7) Uddiyana Bandha
(8) Rhythm
(9) Set students up for success
(10) Have fun
8 Limbs of Yoga
(1) Yama
(2) Niyama
(3) Asana
(4) Pranayama
(5) Pratyahara
(6) Dharana
(7) Dyana
(8) Samadhi
5 Yamas
(1) Ahimsa: Non-Violence
(2) Satya: Truth
(3) Asteya: Non-Stealing
(4) Brahmacharya: Moderation of the Senses
(5) Aparigraha: Non-Grasping / Non-Hoarding
5 Niyamas
(1) Saucha: Cleanliness
(2) Santosha: Contentment
(3) Tapas: "Heat"; Self-Discipline
(4) Svadhyaya: Self-Study
(5) Isvara-Pranidhana: Devotion
7 Chakras
(1) Muladhara: Base of the tailbone
(2) Swadisthana: Sexual organs
(3) Manipura: Solar plexus
(4) Anahata: Heart, Upper back, Arms, hands
(5) Vishuddha: Neck, Throat, Ears Mouth
(6) Ajna: Third eye
(7) Sahasrara: Top of the head
3 Nadis
(1) Sushumna: Base of spine to top of head
(2) Ida: Left testicle/ovary, coils around sushumna nadi, ends at left nostril; Feminine energy
(3) Pingala: Right testicle/ovary, coils around sushumna nadi, ends at right nostril; Masculine energy
Sushumna Nadi
Base of spine to top of head
Ida Nadi
Left testicle/ovary, coils around sushumna nadi, ends at left nostril; Feminine energy
Pingala Nadi
Right testicle/ovary, coils around sushumna nadi, ends at right nostril; Masculine energy
Muladhara Chakra
"Root Place"; Tailbone; Red; Basic Needs
Poses: Standing poses, sitting cross-legged, Mula Bandha
Swadisthana Chakra
"Her favorite standing place"; Sexual organs/sacrum; Orange; How we experience ourselves in relation to others
Poses: Seated forward bends, Splits pose, Hero's pose
Manipura Chakra
"City of jewels"; Solar plexus/where ribs join; Yellow; Center of personal power
Poses: Twisting poses, Core
Anahata Chakra
"Unstruck"; Heart/upper back/arms/hands; Green; Selflessness
Poses: Backbends, Arm-Balances
Vishuddha Chakra
"Pure" or "Poison Removing"; Neck/throat/ears/mouth; Blue; Truth in communication
Poses: Shoulder stand, Plow, Fish
Ajna Chakra
"Perceive" or "Command"; Third eye; Indigo; Intuition
Poses: Child's pose, Kapalabhati (Cleansing breath)
Sahasrara Chakra
"Thousand Fold" or "Thousand Petals"; Top of the head; Golden-White; Link to the divine
Poses: Twisting poses, Headstand