hopelessly unhappy
a feeling of contempt for something or someone; scorn
using or giving in great amounts; to give in great amounts or without limit
a person who is poor
to be or become aware thru the senses
ill will; resentment
to say in plead in protest
struggle between opposing forces
clues that suggest events that are yet to come
feeling created by images, dialogue, description, characterization and plot
the act or process of telling a story
a collection of events that tells a story, which may be true or not, placed in a particular order and recounted through either telling or writing
a person who tells a story in speech or writing
situational irony
occurs when the opposite of what you think would happen does happen
verbal irony
when a person says or writes one thing and means another, or uses words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of the literal meaning- sarcasm and hyperbole are examples
"The Neckace" takes place in Paris in the second half of the 19th century.
What is the background of "The Necklace"?
1884 Paris, France Loisel's apartment, party at the Ministry of Education's Mansion
What is the setting of "The Necklace"?
Madame Loisel
"The Necklace" What character is - selfish (beautiful, charming, middle class, spoiled, daydreamed)→→aged quickly, heavy, rough, harsh, shrill voice, and poor?
Monsieur Loisel
"The Necklace" What character is kind, generous, loyal hard-working, clerk for Ministry of Education, wants to please wife, and middle- class?
Madame Forestier
"The Necklace" What character is kind, generous, wealthy, and snobby ?
This story is about a woman who unhappy with her social life. New conflicts take place after one conflict is resolved.
What is the plot of "The Necklace"?
This short story is told from the 3rd person limited point of view. The author focuses on Mme. Loisel's thoughts and feelings
"The Necklace" What is the point of view of the story?
Mme. Loisel vs. herself (her excessive pride, materialism and shallowness cause her emotional torture as she feels she's been deprived of luxuries)
What is the internal conflict in "The Necklace"?
Mme. Loisel vs. Mr. Loisel (different values; although he is tolerant of her behavior and wants to please her)
What is the external conflict in "The Necklace"?
greed/desire for what one cannot have, differences in social classes, dishonesty, Mme. L's 'fakeness' or want of material things
"The Necklace" What does the necklace symbolize?
Mme's station in life - insecurity- embarrassment
"The Necklace" What does the wrap symbolize?
Mr. Loisel's sacrifice for his wife
"The Necklace" What does the dress symbolize?
1. People should be happy with what they have
2. Honesty is the best policy
3. You may pay a terrible price for greed and desire (Mme. L's fatal flaw, her desire for material things, her 'fakeness' just like the necklace)
What is the theme of "The Necklace"?
the author shows what Mme. Loisel is like by concentrating mainly on the way she views her surroundings (daydreams about expensive things/lifestyle
"The Necklace" What is the characterization in the story?
Mme. L borrows a necklace to fit in with the rich people she envies, but the loss of the necklace results in her being poorer than she was
After Mme. L loses the necklace & must repay the debt, she endures 10 years of hardship only to find out the necklace is a fake
Mme. Loisel's intense desire for a different life is then equally matched by her intense suffering
"The Necklace" What is the irony in the story?
Rue de Martyrs the name of the street and the English word martyr- martyr means a great or constant sufferer
Her intense unhappiness cannot be lifted with one party invitation
"The Necklace" What is the foreshadowing in the story?
Mme Loisel dreams of luxuries and money
"The Necklace" What is Mme Loisel's dream?
Gets invited to ball
Mme Loisel borrows necklace
Goes to ball and she feels beautiful
"The Necklace" What is the rising action?
Borrow money to buy new necklace
Works for ten years to pay off necklace
Mme. Loisel becomes more appreciative and content
What is the falling action in the story?
Mme. Forestier tells Mme. Loisel the necklace was fake!!
You do not need material things to make you happy
"The Necklace" What is the resolution in the story?
Middle class until the necklace is lost and then they live like poor people
"The Necklace" What type of lifestyle do the Loisel's have?
She wants to be weathly and live the life of the upper class.
"The Necklace" What type of lifestyle does Mme. Loisel desire?
She would be embarrassed to be seen in her normal clothes.
"The Necklace" Why is Mme. Loisel upset by the invitation to the fancy party?
He puts her happiness before his.
"The Necklace" What do we learn about the moral character of the husband when he gives his wife the 400 francs that he has saved to buy himself a gun?
Her dress looks too plain without jewels.
"The Necklace" After she buys a dress, Mme. Loisel is still unhappy. Why?
They give up very luxury in life, work around the clock and it even affects their appearances.
"The Necklace" Explain the transformation of the Loisels during the ten years it takes them to pay back the debt.
What is the background of "The False Gems"?
1800's in Paris
"The False Gems" What qualities does Mr. Lantin admire and love in his first wife?
She appeared simple, honorable, gentle, virtuous and quiet.
"The False Gems" With what "weaknesses" in wife does he find?
her love for theater and tacky jewelry
"The False Gems" What happens to Mr. Lantin when his wife dies?
he finds he cannot support himself on his modest salary
"The False Gems" What does he learn from the from the jewelers to whom he takes his wife's gems?
That they were real, expensive and sent to her as gifts.
"The False Gems" How does Mr. Lantin's life change after he sells the gems?
He has money and a very virtuous wife, but she is mean to him.
"The False Gems" What is the point of view of the story?
This short story is told from the 3rd person limited point of view. The author focuses on Mr. Lantin's thoughts and feelings.
"The False Gems" How did Mme. Lantin behave towards her husband when she examined her jewelry?
Her teasing seemed playful, but she was clearly mocking his blindness to the truth.
"The False Gems" How did Mr. Lantin deal with his wife's death?
His heart was broken and he had difficulty handling his grief.
"The False Gems" Why was Mr. Lantin ashamed to sell the jewels?
He thought he would too desperate to sell something so cheap and tacky.
"The False Gems" What was the theme?
things are not always what they appear to be