Which is NOT true about the internet It was developed as an…
Petabyte What is the largest unit of measure for the size of…
The process of searching huge amounts of data seeking a pattern Miming…
Race refers to considered important by a society, and ethnicity refers to…
Ivan PavlovRussian physiologist – his original study was about saliva and gastric…
learninginfluenced by culture subculture social class family friends institutions experiences mass media…
Annoying State of AffairsCondition organism actively avoids or abandonsAnthropomorphizingAttributing human characteristics to…
Learning CurvesThe premise that people and organizations get better at their tasks…
what are the factors influencing language environment of primary grades?alignment of curricula…
What is a system for buying and selling stocks in corporations?Stock MarketWhat…
CacophonyA harsh/jarring, meaningless mixture of sounds.ex. The cacophony produded by city traffic…
crenellatesupply with battlementsThe massive walls are crenellated and supported by stout square…
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