The Internet was created to provide:
a secure form of communications and a common communications means for all computers.

Which of the following describes an IP address?
It is referred to as a dotted quad. It identifies any computer connecting to the Internet.It identifies a website.
Which of the following should you avoid doing on social networking sites?
Posting information about pet names, favorite teachers, and other commonly identifiable information.
Which is NOT considered a social networking site?
Which of the following is an installed e-mail client?
Collaborative, user-created web content is also known as Web 2.

0. (T/F)

E-mail is synchronous while instant messaging is asynchronous. (T/F)
Which web browser is open source?
What web browser feature would be particularly useful when using public computers?
Privacy browsing
In the URL, which part is considered the path or subdirectory?
Which search engine searches other search engines?
What should you do if you want to search for a phrase?
Place quotation marks around the phrase.
Social bookmarking and tagging are the same thing.


HTTP is the only Internet protocol.