a)Who is he? What did he write?
He was a Yale University political economist the leading advocate of incrementalism in the formulation of public policy published a classic critique of rational comprehensive decision making in 1959 and the piece is entitled "The Science of Muddling Through.


b)What does it mean?
Means to manage somehow, succeed in despite of lack of skill and foresight according to his administrators muddle through in response to current events and circumstances rather than by the will of their bosses.
c)4 features of muddling through:
1) Focus on policies that differ only marginally or in a limited way from existing policies.2) Limit alternatives and consequences available for comparison thus simplifying the policy making process. 3) Thus not insist that a solution to a problem be right or ethical only that it be pragmatic, feasible and the result of consensus among competing interest groups. 4) Deal with solving current problems rather than creating what might be called "sweeping social policy phantasms."