Which group is most likely to support the Republican Party?
The Wealthy
State ballot access laws, such as registration fees and petition requirements, have the effect of
reducing the number of third-party and independent candidates who can run for office
The average winning margin in house elections is
40 percent
How many party systems has the United States had since 1789?
which of the following statements about party building is true?
since the eisenhower presidency, republicans have paid much more attention to party building than democrats
internal mobilization occurs when
conflicts within the government create divided factions that try to mobilize popular support.
dealignment refers to
The decline of partisan attachment within the electorate, the growth in the number of voters identifying themselves independents, and the rise of "split-ticket"
since the 1930s, african americans have identified themselves as
in contemporary american politics, solid support from the republican party comes from
south and mountain west
the establishment of the republican party is a good example of
external mobilization
which of the following parties originated from internal mobilization?
the Jeffersonian Party
The percentage of people identifying themselves as Republicans ______ between 2002 and 2008, while the number of people identifying themselves as Democrats ______.
decreased; increased
Party activists are ______ to contribute time, energy, and effort to party affairs and ______ to hold more extreme views than the party's rank-and-file voters.
more likely; more likely
which of the following best indicated the downfall of the new deal coalition?
Richard nixon's election in 1968
one reason that america has such low levels of political involvement and voter turnout is that
there are too many political parties for Americans to choose from. political parties do not exert any influence over elected officials. political parties are not strong enough to function effectivelyf
third parties in the united states typically represent
social and economic interests that are disregarded by the two major parties for certain reasons.
the populist party appeals to which of the following groups?
western mining interest, small farmers, and urban workers
which of the following transpires when one party controls the presidency while another party controls one or both houses of congress?
a divided government
a party activist is an individual who
not only votes, but also contributes time, energy, effort, and financial resources to party affairs
which of the following is not part of a country's party system?
the laws that govern how much money parties can raise and spend in election campaigns
a political party is
an organization that tries to influence the government by getting its members to office.
between the civil war and the 1960s, the _______ was the democratic stronghold.
Midwest South Southwest
Men in the United States are __________ the __________ Party. a. overwhelmingly committed to;
somewhat more likely to support; Republican
what were the most common favors political bosses distributed to loyal party members during the era of political machines?
historically, realignments occur
when new issues combine with economic or political crises to mobilize new voters and persuade large numbers of voters to reexamine their traditional partisan loyalties.
during the late 1840s and early 1850s, both democratic and whig parties were divided by
conflicts over slavery
during the early nineteenth century, the jeffersonian party's main base of strength was in
the south
Competition between political parties _______ voter turnout
during the 1980s, under the leadership of ronald reagan, which two groups did the republican party add to their coalition?
religious conservatives and working-class whites
which of the following statements about parties in congress is false?
Only members of the majority party are allowed to take part in the election of the Speaker of the House.
what were the two major parties in the united states during the 1830s and the 1840s?
the Democrats and the Whigs
throughout its history, american politics has been dominated by
two major political parties.
which group was not a part of the new deal coalition?
business leaders
which of the following is not accomplished at a party's national convention?
nomination of Senate and House candidates
third-party candidates are better off under what system of election?
proportional representation
a party's _____ contains its philosophy, principles, and policy positions.
527 committees are an important part of the american political system because they
they are able to raise and spend unlimited amounts of money as long as they do not coordinate their activities with a political party
which of the following is the best definition of soft money?
money contributed directly to political parties and other organizations for political activities that are not required by federal campaign spending laws
who elects the chairperson for the republican and democratic national committees?
the president if the party controls the white house, or the party committee if the party does not control the white house
The "tea party movement" is
an organized challenge to incumbents in the republican party by the most conservative wing of the republican party
The United States began its tradition of the ______ during the early eighteenth century.
two-party system
which famous american, in his farewell address, encouraged his fellow citizens to shun partisan politics?
George Washington
"Me too" republicanism refers to
The tendency of republican politicians during the New Deal to support popular programs such as Social Security rather than advance alternative policies.
one important cause of the united states' two-party system is
single-member electoral districts
From 1896 to 1932, the ______ party was the nation's majority party.
which system develops when the winner of an electoral race obtains more votes than any other candidate?
The plurality system
Women in the United States are __________ the __________ Party.
somewhat more likely to support; Democratic
The New Deal coalition was severely strained and ultimately broken apart by
the Vietnam War and the issue of civil rights.
when richard nixon employed his "southern strategy," he
appealed to disaffected white voters in the South.
A_______ is a closed meeting of a political group's members who gather to determine strategy and select candidates.
_____ are nonprofit independent groups that receive an distribute funds to influence the nomination, election, and defeat of a candidate.
527 committees
which of the following statements concerning third parties is false?
The earliest third parties in the United States arose as a result of the Great Depression.
The Federalist Party disappeared forever as a result of
the War of 1812
Political scientists disagree over whether an electoral realignment occurred in 1968 because
no one party clearly dominated the national government after the election.
Strong parties may provide an important link between government and
democratic participation
Strong and often corrupt urban political party organizations during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were called
An individual's psychological attachment to one party or another is called a party
which of the following statements about partisan identification in the united states is most accurate?
Party identification varies significantly by income, race, and gender.
what issue led to the demise of the whig party?
The program of Reconstruction after the Civil War was led by the ______ Party.
The Constitution
is almost completely silent on the rules regarding how political parties must go about selecting a candidate elective official
Which of the following statements about the role of political parties in the 2009 debate over health care reform is false?
Republican Party opposition led Democratic leaders in the Senate to use the reconciliation process to pass the bill. There was strong bipartisan support for the bill after compromises were struck between the House and the Senate. The bill received majority support from Democrats in both the House and the Senate.
Which of the following occurs when one party becomes dominant after replacing another party that has dominated national politics for a lengthy period of time?
an electoral realignment
As a third-party candidate, Ross Perot captured approximately ________ percent of the popular vote in the 1992 presidential election
state and local party organizations do all of the following except
litigate against unfavorable policies.
Which of the following was not a date of an electoral realignment?
A "safe district" is
a district where a majority of voters identify with their member of congress's party.
In 1964, the republican party presidential nominee, ______, espoused a number of ideas, such as less taxation and less government regulation of the economy, that became major themes for the modern Republican Party.
Barry Goldwater
Which event occurred in 1994?
the Republican Party won control of both houses of Congress for the first time since the 1950s
which of the following statements about contemporary american politics is most accurate?
While political elites are highly polarized, most americans are moderates in terms of public opinion.
From the end of the Civil War to the 1890s, the ______ Party was the party of the North, while the _______ Party was the party of the South.
Republican; Democratic
A party's platform is best understood as a
a negotiated agreement between the party's various factions.
The first party system was characterized by conflict between the ______ and the ______.
Federalists; Jeffersonian Republicans
Issues such as the environment, health care, retirement benefits, and taxation are on the political agenda in the United States because
contemporary political parties mainly compete for the support of middle-class Americans and these issues are important to the middle class.
During the nineteenth century, party machines depended heavily on ______ in order to reward loyal party supporters.
The "Era of Good Feelings" was
the period of one-party politics from the collapse of the Federalist Party until the 1830s.
Which of the following tasks does a party's national committee not perform?
selecting presidential and vice-presidential candidates
Which of the following statements about Organizing for America (OFA) is false?
OFOFA has established offices in only three states: California, New York, and Massachusetts.
Which of the following statements is true?
The Supreme Court had ruled that elections using electronic voting machines are unconstitutional.??