fought Rome moving from Spain through Alps; met head on at Cannae in Italy but forced back to Carthage
influential on Rome; made it a city; togas; organization of army; overthrown by Romans
small farmers/merchants/craftspeople who wanted political and social equality with patricians
large landowners, ruling class
leader is not a monarch and certain citizens given right to vote; established by Romans overthrowing Etruscans
Roman virtues
duty, courage, discipline
What was Rome especially skilled in?
Road system
Rome had an extensive...?
Practical and effective
What were Roman law and politics? (adjectives)
Twelve Tables
first code of law; evolved into more sophisticated system of civil law
Law of Nations
formed to handle cases
300 Patricians
Who served in the Roman Senate for life?
Who migrated into Italy?
Who made an alphabet, architecture, literature, and had a heavy influence in Sicily?
Who made Rome a city, brought togas, and organized the army?
Two Consuls
Who ran the government and led the army?
The Punic Wars
Rome followed with conquest of Macedonia and Greece which allowed Rome to control all of the Mediterranean
government by three people with equal power
Caesar defeated Pompey and became a ...
He and Antony split up Rome which led conflicts; he defeated Rome; gave power to senate; first emperor
Julius Caesar
He defeated Pompey and became dictator; enacted reforms; gave land to poor; expanded senate numbers
Ute Brute
Who was Caesar assassinated by?
Who was the Commander in Chief of the Army?
First Triumvirate
Crassus=wealthy; Pompey and Caesar=military heros
When Crassus was killed, who gained power?
Second Triumvirate
Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus
Pax Romana
What the good emperor created; peace and prosperity that lasted nearly 100 years
28 legions; 5,000 troops in each
Under Octavian and formed by Augustus, how many legions were there? (Citizens were in this)
Praetorian guard
What guard was to protect the emperor?
They wiped out three Roman legions and devastated Augustus
Hadrian's Wall
wall in northern Britain to keep invaders out
land estates; main farms
Latin and Greek
What languages were spoken in Italy by the area?
led slave rebellion; trapped and killed; famous gladiator
Second century
When were paterfamilias no longer in absolute control and women no longer had to have guardians?
Upper-class women
Who could now sell, own, and inherit property in the second century?
tutors, musicians, doctors, artists, artisans assistants, household workers, cooks, valets, waiters, cleaners, gardeners, built roads and public buildings
Roman streets
overcrowded, noisy, busy, dirty, dangerous
Who tried to bring in Christianity and legalized it and also allowed Church leaders to rule/have authority over large areas of land?
Who outlawed heresy and closed all pagan temples, which made Christianity the official religion?
What were Christians that were persecuted for their faith called?
St. Benedict
Who brought order to the monastic movement, drew up plans for monasteries, and said all monks had to pray and do labor?
their communal organization allowed monks to cope with the problems of the age while at the same time they became heroes of Christian civilization
Second to sack Rome, which marked the end of the Western empire
a rapid increase in prices
"New Rome" wit Roman glory, amphitheaters, forums, palaces, etc. Mainly used for defense
cause Roman economy to collapse in the third century, caused labor shortages
Roman Empire's decline
Christianity weakened Rome's military values Roman values declined because of infiltration of non-Italians lead poisoning caused mental problems plague slavery prevented technological advancement political system was not efficient for empire's size and vastness
His military power put him in ultimate authority, said new religion was Christianity, wage and price controls for inflation, forced people to stay in their jobs (heredity system)
extended Diocletian reforms, made Constantinople
he divided the empire into four sections, each with its own ruler
Invaders of Rome
Persian and Germans, Huns, Visigoths, Vandals
After Marcus Aurelius's death, who ruled?
22 emperors
After the Severans lost their reign, who ruled?
Marcus Aurelius's death
trade and industry declined, farm production decreased, plague