rebirth, revival of art and learning, started in Italy, bring back the life and culture of classical Greece and Rome
beginning the Renaissance, overseas trade=wealthy merchant, more urban than rest of EU, bubonic plague=less peeps and demand higher wages
believed they deserved wealth and power because of achievement, no inherit social rank, new view of individual achievement
republican until Medici family came, Cosimo de Medici: banker, wealthiest EU at time, won control of government by influencing members of ruling council (Lorenzo de Medici: dictator under guise of republic)
led to by study of classical arts, intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievements, influenced artists and architects to carry on classical traditions, history literature, philosophy (humanities), enjoy life w/o offending God
spirit of Renaissance society, worlds rather than spiritual and concerned with here and now, Church leaders-luxurious
wealthy people who financially supported artists, pay for art (Church officials, merchants, wealthy fams)
Renaissance man
see "Courtier" by Castiglione, universal man
artistic technique used to show three dimensions on a flat surface, vanishing point and horizon
artists of Italy
religious subjects-spiritual ideal, but with a realistic style copied from classical art, Greek and Roman subjects, important people, religious scenes from Bible like Last Supper and Pieta, accurate anatomy/visage yet with "idealist" humans
Michelangelo Buonarroti
sculptor, poet, and artchitect, painter, realistic style when depicting the human body, David statue
Leonardo da Vinci
paintor, sculptor, inventor, scientist, Renaissance man, how things worked, notebooks: observations and sketches: incorporated into art, Mona Lisa, The Last Supper (personalities, smile)
Madonna and child, expressions=gentle and calm, perspective, School of Athens,
native language, writing in it instead of Latin - Dante,
Francesco Petrarch
one of earliest and most influential humanists, wrote in vernacular, sonnets, father of Renaissance
Giovanni Boccaccio
Decameron: realistic stories, tragic and comic view of life, presents characters in individuality and all their folly
Niccolo Machiavelli
"The Prince", imperfect conduct of human beings, political guidbook, how rulers gain power and keep it in spite of enemies, strong as a lion and shrewd as a fox, not morally right but politically effective, see handout
Northern Renaissance
population grow-end of b.p., end of Hundred Year's War-cities grew and urban merchants=patrons, e.g. Flanders, England and France: unified under monarchs and supported artists, interested in realism
Nordic/ Northern EU art/ Renaissance influence
French king claimed throne of Naples-saw the sophistication of Italian Renaissance, artist and writers fled to north to escape ware-ideas and styles with them, rich Italians would marry into northern royal fams and influence their culture (Catherine Medici),
Albrecht Durer
German artist, studied in Italy, woodcarvings and engravings, religious subjects, realisitc landscapes and classical myths, realism emphasis, see Kight picture and Melancholy, strong and brooding characters,
Hans Holbein
German, portraits photographic in detail, portraits of King Henry VIII and royal fam members
Jan van Eyck
from Flanders (Flemish), oil-based pantings, unusually realistic details, see Arnolfini: status and wealth
Pieter Bruegel or (Brueghel) the Elder
realisitc details, large numbers of people but good at making the individual people, realistic scenes of everyday life (esp peasants- weddings, dances, harvests), rich colors and vivid details, and balanced use of space
Desiderius Erasmus
Holland, Praise of Folly, poked fun at greedy merchants, lovers, quarrelsome scholars, pompus priests, and Pope (remember cartoon),Christianity of the heart and not of ceremonies or rules, study the Bible to improve society
Thomas More
from England, wrote about better model of society, Utopia, imaginary world where there was no greed and corruption
William Shakespeare
English, Elizabethan Age, poems and plays, greatest playwright, classics for inspiration, English language - changed and embellished, human flaws, but also high view of human nature, see Henry V play
Johann Gutenberg
1440. Mainz Germany, printing press
Gutenberg Bible
1455, first full-sized book printed in movable type, by 16th and 17th centuries translated into gErman and Enlgish
Printing Press
developed from chinese block printer, 1. metal alloy that words could be carved into, 2. special ink that adheres to metal but transferred to paper, 3. paper that the ink would stick to, screw-type press to press on pape (like olive oil presses in Asia), 4. movable type: letters that could be put together in any fashion and reused, make books quickly and cheaply
Criticisms of the Catholic Church
Renaissance values of secularism and humanism question Church, printing press helped spread critical ideas, monarchs challenged Church as supreme power, leaders viewed pope as a foreign authority, EU princes and kings jelly of Church's wealth, merchants resented Church taxes, Church leaders wordly and corrupt, indulgence selling
Martin Luther
monk and teacher instead of lawyer, Johann Tetzel: selling indulgences, made 95 Theses attacking the "pardon-merchants"
a pardon, released a sinner from perfoming a penalty the priest imposed for their sins, Johann Tetzel sold them and Luther was angry
actions of 95 Theses lead to this, movements for religious reform, lead to Christian Churches who dd not accept the pope's authority
95 Theses
see Document handout
a separate religious group made up of Luther and followers when he realized he could not continue to reform Catholic Church
Christians who belonged to non-Catholic Churches, some German princes joined forces agoanst Luther's ideas (loyal to pope), then there were protesting princes who supported Luther and signed a protest against that agreement
Edict of Worms
declared Luther and outlaw and heretic, no one could give Luther food or shelter and burn all his books, Prince Frederick the Wise of Saxony dipbeted and sheltered Luther who translated the Bible into Germany
Charles V
at Worms, had trial to make Luther recant his statements, Luther refused, son of Philip and
Peace of Augsburg
when Charles could't convert princes to Catholicism, he agree to decide the religion of their state
set aside, Herny VIII, wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon for a son and pope wouldn't let him annul it os he broke away from the Church and made himself the head of England's Church (see timeline on pg 492)
Elizabeth I set up the Church of England, she wanted Protestantism in her kingdom of Enlgand
Huldrych Zwingli
Catholic priest in Zurich, attacked Catholic Church, wanted a more personal faith of early Christianity and wanted believers to have more control over Church
John Calvin
law student in France, wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion,
Institutes of the Christian Religion
summary of Protestant theology, men and women are sinful by nature, God chooses a very few people to save- the "elect", predestination
God has known since the beginning of time who will be saved
religion based on Calvin's teachings
government controlled by religious leadeers, Geneva Switzerland
Geneva Switzerland
asked Calvin to lead them, he and followers ran city, religion class, no bright clothing or card games or teaching different doctrines, seemed like model city of highly moral citizens
John Knox
Scottish preacher, put Calvin's ideas to work, community Church run by laymen called elders of presbyters, made Calvinism Scotland's official religion and overthrew Mary Queen of Scots
followers of Knox
Calvinists in France, St. Bartholomew's Day
children should be baptized again as adults, "baptize again", neutral- no fight in wars, forefunners of Amish and Mennonites
Catholic Reformation
Counter Reformation, movement to help Catholcis remain loyal, Pope Paul III and Paul IV, new religious orders
Ignatious of Loyola
injured and repented of past sins and though about the life of Jesus, Spiritual Exercises, founded the Jesuits
Society of Jesus, religous order, founded schools, priests were well educated, convert non Christians to Catholicism and stop spread of Protestantism
Council of Trent
Church leaders agreed on doctines, Church's interpretation of Bible was final ,Christians needed faith and good works for salvation, Bible and Church tradition were equally powerful authorities, false selling of indulgences was banned
Pope Paul IV
carried out C of T decrees, Index of Forbidden books burned
Pope Paul III
council of cardinals to investigate selling of indulgences, used Inquisition to seek out heresy in papal territory, approved Jesuit order, called Council of Trent
Marguerite of Navarre
protected John Calvin
Katherina Zell
scolded a minister for speaking harshly of another reformer
Katherina von Bora
Luther's wife, fled convent, argued with Luther about women's equal role in marriage