Stamp Act Passed
1765. in north america
Boston Tea Party
1773. in america
Louis XVI Begins rule of France
1774. in france
Declaration of Independence Signed
1776. (in america)
American Revolution
1775-1783. in america
Constitution of United States & French Revolution begins
1789 in the u.s. and in france
National Convention Meets
1792. in france
Louis XVI executed
1793in france
Directory Rules France
1795-1799. in france
Coup d' etat
How Napolean took over the French government. 1799.
Napolean crowned emperor of France
1804 in france
Congress of Vienna
1814-1815. in france
Napolean exiled
1814 (in france)
Napolean defeated at Waterloo
1815. (in france)
1700s. Philosophers believed that scientific methods and reasons could explain human nature logically. Tested everything by observation to determine cause and effect.
Enlightenment philosopher (d)
Enlightenment philosopher (m)
Enlightenment philosopher (v)
Enlightenment philosopher (r)
North American opposition
Great Britain tries to tax north american colonies more.
american colonies disliked britain's treatment of them. Since britain wouldn't change their policies, they chose _____
French Revolution
Discontentment in France, and Louis XVI's failure to solve the financial crisis directly caused ____
Estates General
Meeting held by the _____ in France to try to solve financial crisis.
National Assembly
Made from the Third Estate.
Constitution of 1791
National Assembly made this creating a limited constitutional monarchy.
National Convention
___ proclaimed France a republic and EXECUTED THE KING. Reign of Terror began under this as well.
Inefficient and corrupt, followed the national convention
The Congress of Vienna
____ tried to restor Europe to how it was before the chaotic French revolution.
the national assembly
Which came first? the national assembly or the national convention?
what came after the directory?