Learned behaviors.

..way of lifeMostly through observations

Social institutions
networks of structures in society that work to socialize the groups of people within them. They are constantly changingthe legal systemthe labor marketthe educational systemthe militarythe family
Social identity
The way individuals define themselves in relationship to groups they are a part of (or in relationship to groups they choose not to be a part of).The different groups that you belong to help you tell others about your identity. You might say you are a student (your school could be another group).

You might also identify yourself by saying which groups you are not in (you're not a college drop-out, for instance).

C. Wright Mills
thought the sociological imagination could improve society.defined sociological imagination as ".

..the vivid awareness of the relationship between experience and the wider society."


Wright Mills

American sociologistThe Power EliteCoined term? What does it mean ?? Who ?The Sociological ImaginationAug 28, 1916 - Mar 20, 1962
Locating oneself, Where do I fit?Individual ; Society"Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both." pg. 3*Puzzle incomplete, big picture?THE PROMISE
Sociological Imagination
Private Troubles (Individual) and Public Issues (Society)Increasing levels of consumption and debt (private trouble) morphed into a near collapse of the global economy (public issue).

When classes rise and fallUnemployment (self blame on individual)

Sociological Perspective
Seeing this connection of private and public can be very challenging, because we are in our own little bubble. Its hard in an individualist culture.However, sociologists (anyone really who works on the skill) develop the ability to see the connection.In a sense, developing a sociological perspective is learning understand other positions. "Walk in my shoes"In this way, the sociological imagination can improve society through understanding and empathy for people.

This is a good strategy with relationships (jealousy)

Auguste Comte
society is better understood by determining the logic or scientific laws governing human behavior, called social physics or positivism.
Harriet Martineau
first to translate Comte's written works to English; one of the earliest feminist social scientists
Karl Marx
theory of historical materialism, which identifies class conflict as the primary cause of social change
Max Weber
emphasis on subjectivity became a foundation of interpretive sociology, one must understand the meanings people attach to their actions
Emile Durkheim
founder of positivist sociology; developed the theory that division of labor helps to determine how social cohesion is maintained, or not maintained, in that society...

Very well known for his research about suicide

George Simmel
formal sociology, or a sociology of pure numbers (for instance, how a group of two is different than a group of three)
History of Sociology
Functionalism, conflict theory, feminist theory, symbolic interactionism, postmodernism, and midrange theory are all modern sociological theories.
American Sociology
Early American sociology became prominent at the University of Chicago, so the perspective that emerged became known as the "Chicago School." Chicago thinkers include:Charles Horton CooleyGeorge Herbert MeadW. I.

ThomasW.E.B. DuBoisJane Addams

Chicago School
The focused on empirical research, with the belief that people's behaviors and personalities are shaped by their social and physical environments.