What does Holden do after dinner?
He gets with in a snowball fight and goes with Mal Brossard and Ackely to see a movie
What do Ackley and Holden talk about?
Ackley talks about a girl he claimed to have sex with
Who is Holden's other brother (not D.B.)?
Allie. Holden considered him the most intelligent and nicest member of the family but he died of leukemia
What did Holden do the English composition on?
A baseball glove Allie used to copy poems onto
What did Holden do the night Allie died?
He broke all the windows in the garage with his bare hands
Why do Stradlater and Holden have an argument?
Because Stradlater doesn't like the composition and says its no wonder that Holden is being expelled
What does Holden do to annoy Stradlater?
He smokes a cigarette in the room
What triggers the fight between Holden and Stradlater?
Stradlater won't tell Holden about his date with Jane
What happens during the fight between Holden and Stradlater?
Stradlater pinds Holden down and punches him in the face, giving him a bloody nose
How does the fight end?
Stradlater is worried he will get into trouble for giving Holden a bloody nose so he leaves the room
What does Holden do after the fight?
He goes to Ackley's room