Primary Sources
Records produced during the time period being studied. May be derived from artifacts, tradition, and written records.
Secondary Sources
Records that explain or interpret primary sources.
Objects made by man. Can range from small relics to towering monuments.
The handing down of information by word of mouth from generation to generation.
Written Records
Abundant and diverse collection of letters, lists, inscriptions, diaries, and journals.
Evaluation of Historical Sources
A historian examines a given record for its internal consistency and believability.
Historical Synthesis
A historian gathers the useful information he has found in his investigations into a narrative of the past.
Historical Interpretation
A historian needs to interpret the events he records by integrating into that account what he believes is the meaning and significance of these events.
A perspective from which we may examine and interpret the universe and everything in it.
Christian Worldview
Presented in the Bible. Composed of three central truths: (1) God made the world and everything in it. (2) this world has fallen into a sad and broken condition because of human sin (3) God is working to redeem men and women to Himself.
Divine Providence
There is no event that is out of God's control or that does not help to accomplish His purpose for this world.
Human Depravity
Every aspect of the human's being has been stained by the Fall.
The study of the record of the past acts of God and man on earth from its creation to the present, based on the best surviving evidence.
The only true God.
Divine Sovereignty
A phase referring to God's complete and permanent authority over this world.
Image of God
A complex of qualities possessed by all humans that reflects part of God's own personality.
Creation Mandate
Mankind's reason for being. Genesis 1:28.
The physical and mental environment developed through human thought and labor.
Evolutionary accounts of the beginning of our race. Concern events that took place before humans developed writing.
Human cultures lived in cities or under their influence.
A complex cultural institution in which humans share core values and a desire to improve the quality of their existence through specialization and organization.
The division of labor that is part of the culture of every city.
A system of rules, regulations, and accountability that governs all who take part in the functions of the city.
The first man. He named the creatures of the earth.
Adam's wife. Part of a wonderful paradise.
Seed of the Serpant
A phrase referring to humans yet to be born who would prove to have the same deceptive, God-defying nature that Satan evidenced that day in the garden.
Seed of the Woman
Most likely refers to future humans who would prove to be loyal to their Creator.
The firstborn of Eve. Means "acquired."
The great-great-great-grandson of Cain. He violated God's created order for marriage. The first known polygamist.
Eve's third son. Means "appointed."
Rejected the corrupting influences of the world and, like Enoch, "walked with God."
Noah's son who saw his father in his shameful stupor and talked about him to his brothers.
Shem and Japheth
Having proper respect for their father, these two sons entered Noah's tent with their backs turned and covered him with a garment.
One of Ham's sons, cursed by Noah.
Central to this city was to be a magnificent tower, which would serve as this civilization's religious center.
A large group of people (usually including many cities) who have in common the same land area, the same customs, and the same language.
Table of Nations
Genesis 10 is sometimes referred to as this because it lists the descendants of Shem, Ham, and Japheth according to the nations that arose from their families.