The large-scale evolutionary changes that take place over long periods of time are reffered to as __________________.
What are the six patterns of evolution?
a. Extinction b. Adaptive Radiation c. Convergent Evolution d. Coevolution e. Punctuated Equilibrium f. Changes in genome
What are possible causes of mass extinction?
An asteroid hit the Earth at that time and wiped out all the dinosaures and many other organisms
What effects have mass extinction had on the history of life?
Each dissaperance of so many species left habitats open and provided ecological opportunites for those organisms that survived
The process of a single species or a small group pf species evolving into diverse forms that live in different ways is called __________________.
Adaptive Radiation
What led to the adaptive radiation of mammals?
The disappearance of dinosaurs
The process by which unrelated organisms come to resemble one another is called __________________.
Convergent Evolution
What are to examples of convergent evolution?
Birds wing and fishes fin Sharks fin and dolphins limb
What is the meaning of dinosaur?
Terrible Lizard
Two species that depend on each other, and they evolved at the same time is called _________________.
How have plants and plant-eating insects coevolved?
Once plants began to produce poison, natural selection in herbivorous insects began to favor any variants that could alter, inactivate, or elimenate those poisons
The idea that coevolution occurs at a slow, steady rate is called ________________.
Gradualism and _______________ are the same thing.
What are some reasons rapid evolution may occur after long periods of equilibrium?
When a small population becomes isolated from the main part of the population
The pattern of long, stable periods interrupted by breif periods of more rapid change is called _________________.
Punctuated Equilibrium (Hopeful monster theory)
Evolution has often proceeded at different rates for different organisms. True or False.
how can hox genes help reveal how evolution occurred?
Hox genes change slowly, groups change at different times
Changes in the timing of genetic control during embryonic development can conribute to the variation involved in natural selection. True or False.