The three religions that were born in the Near East that dominate today's Western world are...
Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Jews and Christians used _______ for burials and funerary ceremonies, not as places of worship.
An example of ______ in art is the Good Shepherd, a Christian symbol that was based on pagan images of Apollo, Hermes, Orpheus or the personification of philanthropy.
Syncretism - artists take images from other traditions and religions and give them new meanings.
The Roman basilica provided the basic design for Christian ________ - plan churches.
A common image decorating the central dome of Russian Orthodox churches is Christ __________, ruler of the universe.
Late Byzantine art of the 11th century emphasizes an _______ appeal to individuals, meant to encourage a deeper involvement in personal meditation and worship.
Identify three stories carved in the sarcophagus of Junius Bassus.
1. Adam and Eve have been lured by the serpent and eaten the forbidden fruit and are conscious of their nakedness. They are trying to hide their genitals with leaves. 2. Jesus makes his entry in Jerusalem riding a donkey. 3. Jesus appears before Pontius Pilate, who is about to wash his hands, symbolizing he denies the responsibility for Jesus' death.
What are three Greek and Roman architectural elements are evident in the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia?
It is cruciform or cross shaped, there are vaults and also a dome that covers the square space at the center. Galla Placidia also uses arches. Arches, domes and vaults.
What is the history of the First and Second Temple in Jerusalem?
Jewish King Solomon built a temple in Jerusalem to house the Ark of the Covenant, became known as the First Temple and was the spiritual center of Jewish life. In 586 BCE the Babylonians under King Nebuchadnezzar II conquered Jerusalem, they destroyed the Temple, exiled the Jews and carried off the Ark of the Covenant.Then, Cyrus the Great of Persia conquered Babylonia in 539 BCE, he permitted the Jews to return to their homeland and rebuild the Temple which became known as the Second Temple.
What scenes are portrayed in the Mosaics of Galla Placidia?
The upper walls of the central space are filled with figures of standing apostles, doves next to a small fountain between the apostles symbolize eternal life in heaven. Another mosaic depicts St. Lawrence to whom the building may have been dedicated, gave his life for his faith. A third Mosaic is "The Good Shepherd" which reveals significant changes in content and design in art.
What stories do the mosaics of San Vitale in Ravenna tell?
One image is of Christ Enthroned and is flanked by St. Vitalis and Bishop Ecclesius, other images relate to the celebration of the Eucharist. In some spaces appear prophets and evangelists and symbolic references to Jesus. In another, rulers present gifts as precious offerings to Christ. Show Christ as an emperor.
The word _______ means "submission to God's will."
Muslims date their history as beginning with the ________ or emigration.
The first great monument of Islamic art is ______.
The Dome of the Rock.
Define aniconism.
Avoidance of figural imagery.
Define Qibla Wall.
It is the wall of the prayer hall that is closest to Mecca in the Great Mosque of Kairouan.
Define Mihrab.
The shrine for the Torah scrolls in a synagogue, point nearest to Mecca.
Define Minbar.
A staircase from which the weekly sermon was delivered to the congregation.
Define Iwan.
Large vaulted halls with rectangular plans and monumental arches openings.
Compare and contrast the Macy Jug to the Olpe Jar.
1. Both exemplify a certain technique. 2. Both contain or have representations of animals on them. 3. Both densely decorated with details and are hollow to have the ability to hold something. 1. The Olpe Jar has horizontal bands, Macy Jug does not. 2. Macy Jug is glazed with outer shell and the Olpe Jar is just ceramic with clay. 3. The Macy Jug is smaller than the Olpe Jar.
How was Islam founded?
In desert of Mecca in 610, Muhammad received revelations, a vision possibly of an angel Gabriel, that led him to found the religion called Islam who's adherents are Muslims.
Why was Islamic art and architecture so diverse?
Under the leadership of its founded, the prophet Muhammad, Islam spread very rapidly throughout northern Africa, southern and eastern Europe, and much of Asia, gaining territory and converts with unbelievable speed. Because Islam encompassed geographical areas with a variety of long-established cultural traditions and because it admitted diverse peoples among its converts, it absorbed and combined many different techniques and ideas about art and architecture.
Why is Islamic art devoid of figurative images?
Muslims look to other ways to express the complex nature of the creator and creation that might not otherwise be able to be shown through figurative images. Only in Christianity does God come in human form.
What are the Five Pillars of Islam?
1. Shahadah: proclaims there is only one God and that Muhammad is his messenger, god of Abraham. 2. Salat: requires prayer to be performed by turning to face the Kaaba in Mecca five times daily. 3. Zakah: voluntary payment of annual tax or alms equivalent to one-fortieth of one's assets, used for charities. 4. Sawm: dawn-to-dusk fast during Ramadan, the month Muhammad received the reveleations set down in the Qur'an. 5. Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca, ideally done at least once in the life of each muslim that is physically and financially able to do so.
What architectural elements may be found in the Cathedral of St. James that originated from the Roman Basilica?
Rectangular shape, apse, large central area called nave which was majestic and large for when pilgrims came, few lights with clerestory windows, thick walls,
What symbolic role did the scallop shell play in a pilgrimage?
Pilgrims who reached the destination of the shrine of St. James would continue to the coast to pick up a shell as evidence of their journey. On the return journey home, the shell became the pilgrims passport, a badge attesting to their piety and accomplishment. Shell not only marked them as pilgrims, but it served as s coop for water. Grooves in shell metaphor for the various routes that can be followed to reach a destination.
How does the roll of the shell mirror that of the roman ideal of virtue and piety?
If the pilgrims did collect a shell, it shows their true devotion, faith, honor and success, something the Romans liked to acknowledge and express in their artwork. Give up so much of life for something so simple.
What are three characteristics unique to Romanesque architecture?
1. Thick, stone, solid walls. 2. Rounded arches and vaults opening to high ceilings. 3. Tympanum on main entrance portal.
What is a relic?
An object, often body or part of the body, associated with a saint or martyr survived from an earlier time, which pilgrims look for and hope to see on pilgrimages.
What is a reliquary?
A container often made of precious materials, used as a repository to protect and display sacred relics.
What is a tympanum?
Semicircular area over a door enclosed by an arch often decorated with sculpture, the image you most likely see is the judgement.
How does the tympanum reflect back on Roman architecture?
Roman architecture often contains sculptural elements, such as reliefs or carvings. In a lot of Roman architecture the outside also contained some sort of sculptural element whether it was a narrative about a specific person or something not specific. An example, Arch of Titus, Ara Pacis Augustae, all have some sort of sculptural composition on the exterior.
How do the narrative in the tympanums reproduced on slide 5 of this lecture exemplify the tenets of Romanesque ideals of piety and the hope of salvation?
Piety: which is prayer and devotion, because the person is kneeling or praying, showing devotion and faithfulness to their religion. There is a hand, God's, reaching towards the person's head. The other is hurting and has rope wrapped around his body, because of the piety he did not have towards his religion, proven by the money bags around his neck. Hope of salvation: By believing in Christ, people hoped to have redemption from their sins. The first person is possibly praying and trying to forgive his sins. The seconds hope did not work, being killed by demons, money useless in hell but the weight of it is left.
How does the Christian practice of weighing souls compare to that of the Egyptians?
The weighing of souls in Christian practice is done by angels and judged by Christ. Reveals soul into heaven or hell and certain decisions would factor in at the Last Judgement. In Egyptian practice, they weighed the heart against a feather on a scale. Your heart has to be pure, the more bad things you did in your life, the more heavier your soul and heart would be.
Which culture or cultures might have brought such knowledge, weighing of souls, of Egyptian art to Europe?
Greek or Roman.
How does the tympanum of Weighing Souls, slide six, by Gislebertus illustrate knowledge of Greek art?
The order it is in, there is no sign of chaos. The way the bodies of the figures are moving and bending, not block like and stiff. Some facial expressions and emotion can be seen which came about later in Greek art. Early Greek art there was Geometric period, some figures almost look geometric.
What is the basic story behind the Bayeux Tapestry?
Long narrative strip that chronicles the events leading to Duke William of Normandy's conquest of England in 1066. It is the breaking of an oath, Harold broke his oath to William.
How does the Bayeux Tapestry story serve the ideals of Virtue and Loyalty?
The nobleman Harold initially wears his feudal allegiance to William, but later betrays his feudal vows and takes the crown of England for himself. Harold dies in a battle at the hands of William. At first Harold showed virtue (honor or respectability) and loyalty (obedience or devotion), but then was overcome by his lust for power and betrayed his lord, William.
Compare with three similarities, the story behind the Bayeux Tapestry and the Oath of the Horatii by David.
1. Both stories contain some sort of battle that happened or will happen. 2. Virtue and loyalty are represented in both stories, Harold towards William and within Horatii and Curatii brothers to fight. 3. Both have emotional intensity, relating to greed and power... within the story and within the artwork whether it is the tapestry or a painting.
Who are Gothic Cathedrals most often dedicated to?
Notre Dame, Virgin Mary
What year was the building cornerstone for Notre Dame, Paris set?
1163, within the choir
What was the original name of the architectural style we now call "Gothic?"
New Style
What Abbot is responsible for creating the Gothic Style? In what church does this style first appear?
Abbot Suger, in The Abbey Church of Saint-Denis
Name three characteristics of the Gothic style.
1. The pointed arch, vaults ad facades. 2. Taller than it is wide, tallest ever seen. 3. Most built on the Latin cross plan with large stained glass windows.
What are three similarities between Romanesque and Gothic architecture?
1. Pointed arches. 2. Vaults. 3. Towers.
What are three contrasts between Romanesque and Gothic architecture?
1. Walls of Gothic mainly made of stained glass. 2. Romanesque had massive walls, Gothic lighter, looks like skeleton. 3. Gothic is a a lot larger, taller, different proportions.
Gothic cathedrals reinforced the authority of these two European hierarchies.
Church and Monarchies/King
What work of art illustrates the reinforcement of the Church and Monarchies in Gothic cathedrals?
Royal Portal, West Facade, Chartres Cathedral of Notre-Dame, France, c. 1145-1155. Christ enthroned in majesty. Also, stained glass that has Christ as well as the coat of arms of Kings pointing to heaven.
What culture was Coppo Di Marcovaldo's Crucifix inspired by? Provide and example that illustrates this inspiration.
Byzantine. Christ has closed eyes, is bleeding and has a sagging body that encourages viewers to respond emotionally and empathetically to the image.
Which painting technique uses wet plaster? How did this technique impact Giotto's painting style in the Arena Chapel?
Buon (true) fresco (fresh). Giotto draws us into the experience of these events. There is a direct emotional appeal tha tnot only allows viwers to imagine these scenes in relation to their own life experiences; it also proves a new Franciscan emphasis on personal devotion rooted in empathetic responses to sacred stories. Giotto shows complex stories and puts them into a series of compelling moments. The advantage of buon fresco is its durability.
Who commissioned Giotto to paint the Arena Chapel? For what purpose, to atone for what sin?
Enrico Scrovegni for usury, charging interest when loaning money.
What does Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Allegory of Good Government attempt to demonstrate? Provide and example that demonstrates this.
Attempted to demonstrate the contrast between good and bad government. He created an idealized, but recognizable portrait of the city of Siena and its immediate environs. Ambrogio shows the city from different viewpoints so we can see as much as possible. People are also in larger than the buildings. The Porta Romana, Siena's gateway leading to Rome, divides the city from the countryside. He describes man-made and natural world.
Africa: Why was the head so symbolic to African people?
It was worshipped as the center of power and knowledge and also shows Oba's connection to the divine world.
Africa: Why was idealization used in memorial portraits?
The portraits were meant to represent perfect beauty, morality and power, rather than individuality.
Africa: Compare the spiritual beliefs behind the Altar Bell and the statue of Khafre.
The bell summons dead ancestors to altar to hear the prayers of the living and Khafre's statue is a way for the Ka to find him in the after life. Both call beings from the spiritual world.
Art of the America's: Many cultures depict gods as the subject of their art. Who was the subject of Mayan art in most cases?
Ruler or elite men and women.
Art of the America's: What are two ways the main character of the Bloodletting Ritual and Christ in Christ Enthroned are depicted similarly?
1. Both characters use blood to enrich the Earth, Christ used it to save people and Teotihuacan man is perfuming a blood letting ritual. 2. Dressed to their culture that shows high rank, Christ in purple robes, Teotihucan wearing feathers. 3. Dominance of right hand over left.
Art of the America's: What is a chacmool?
A half reclining figure, usually of a warrior.
Art of the America's: What are kivas?
Rooms used for religious rituals or services.
Art of the America's: At which season's solstice does the "sun dagger" pierce the spiral on the rock face?
Art of the America's: What is the difference between pictographs and petroglyphs?
Pictographs are painted and petroglyphs are engraved.
Japanese: What is another name for the Byodoin Temple and what's the reason for this name?
Phoenix Temple, there are twin phoenixes on the top of the structure.
Japanese: Amida Buddha is known for creating the ______ or _________.
Pure Land or Western Paradise.
Japanese: Yamato is the Japanese word for _______.
South and South East Asia: How are the animals on the Seal Impressions from the Indus Valley Civilization seals portrayed?
Natural, with naturalism.
South and South East Asia: In what ways does the Female Figure Holding a Fly-Whisk represent female power and naturalism?
Through her proportions, her large chest and busting hips.
South and South East Asia: What do the three stone disks located on the top of the Great Stupa symbolize?
3 realms of existence: desire, form and formlessness.
South and South East Asia: The importance of __________ can be seen in the comparison between the Dharmaraja Ratha and the Royal Portals from Chartes.
Monarchy, link between monarchy and religion.
South and South East Asia: The figures shown on the Erotic Couples relief are also known as ___________.
Mithuna's, or divine lovers.
South and South East Asia: What is the job of the Bodhisattva in Buddhist religion?
To stay on Earth to help others become enlightened.
Chinese: Even though the Seated Guanyin Bodhisattva is a painting and The Good Shepherd is a mosaic, what is one major comparison?
Both represent how people should be, thinking of the good and well being of others. With a kind Earth-touching feeling, as well as patience.
Chinese: The Chinese artwork, Travelers Among Mountains and Streams, is a hanging scroll created with ink and colors on ___________.
Chinese: Because of the overwhelming size of the Seated Shakyamuni Buddha and the Recreation of Pheidias' Huge Gold and Ivory figure, both truly represent the theme of _________ and __________.
Power and eternity.