Seven Year's War
the _ _ _ was caused by a land conflict between Virginians, Pennsylvanians, French, and Indians over the lands of the Ohio territory
the _ trade was a lucrative business for all involved in the Ohio trade
Robert Dinwiddie, George Washington
_ _ and _ _ were the two main virginian personalities in the french and Indian war.
Ohio River
washington's assignment was to chase away the french from the _ _ without being the aggressor
the actions by the _ indians inadvertently flared up conflict on the ohio river, causing the need for Fort Necessity
Albany Congress
the goal of the _ _ was to repair indian trade relations, and ensure indian neutrality against the french threat
Albany Plan of Union
the _ _ _ _ was a failed plan to unite the colonies on the issues of war, and defense.
William Pitt
_ _ was the new british leader who came after brad dock's defeat, and was willing to commit resources to fight the french
Treaty of Paris
the _ _ _ ended the 7 year war
surprisingly, the treaty of paris gave a lot of _ back to the french
molasses, fur
resentment against the british treatment of american colonists after the seven year war led the colonists to continue the trade of _ and _
treatment, human, debt
the negligent _ of colonial soldiers, the _ cost, and the huge _ were factors of resentment over the 7 years war
Earl of Bute
the _ _ _ was the first prime minister of George III who decided to keep a standing army in the colonies
chief _ of the ottowa attacked the british garrison near detroit
Proclamation of 1763
the _ _ _ forbid the settling west of the Appalachian Mountains in an effort to separate indians and colonists
trade, sales
the proc of 1763 limited the settlement, but also limited _ with indians and forbade _ of indian lands. They also did not recognize the indians as true subjects
the proc of 1763 was impossible to _ because settlers had already moved past the line.

to increase the revenue for the war debt, lord grenville attacked _ in the customs service
Revenue Act, 1764
the _ _ of _ made it seem more attractive for people to import french molasses, but raised the penalties for smuggling
Sugar Act
the Revenue Act of 1764 was dubbed by the colonists as the _ _
the sugar act was viewed as a _ into colonial practices
stamp act
the _ _, part of grenville's revenue program, imposed a tax on all official documents
virtually represented
grenville argued that the colonies were _ _ in the parliament, so they did not need representatives
trade, revenue
the colonists were okay with taxes to regulate _, such as the sugar act, but the stamp act which was solely implemented to raise _ was opposed
Patrick Henry
_ _ passed the Virginia Resolves in response to the stamp act
Virginia Resolves
the _ _ came to one conclusion: virginia's assembly only had the right to tax virginians.
Sons of Liberty
Sam Adams mobilized the _ _ _ in Boson
Andrew Oliver
_ _ , the stamp act distributor in boston was forced to resign by the SOL
Stamp Act Congress
the _ _ _ was created in response to riots by reasonable protesters who protested the british government
the stamp acts threatened american _ as british subjects
Declaratory Act
the _ _ was passed after the repeal of the stamp act, and allowed the government to legislate via virtual representaton
townshend duties
the _ _ were not burdensome, but were a symbol of british oppression
nonconsumption agreements
the _ _ called for a boycott of all british goods. it was passed in the masachusetts parliament
daughters of liberty
the _ _ _ produced homespun cloth, the symbol of passive resistance, and the idea that women could pay key roles in public affairs.
governor _ prevented violence after the accidental boston massacre by moving the troops out to a different island for holding
trade boom
the end of the townshend duties after the boston massacre cased a _ _
Committees of correspondence
the _ _ _ were established to link to colonies and pass along alarming news
the _ incident was a challenge to the rights as british subjects, as the suspects were to be sent back to britain for a trial, rather than have a trial in rhode island
Tea act, 1773
the _ _ of _ favored the british east india company, which lowered the price of tea
tea party
the boston _ _ was when tea was spilled into the boston harbor
north, coercive acts
lord _'s response to the boston tea party were the _ _
Massachusetts Government Act, Impartial Administration of Justice Act, Quartering Act, Quebec Act
the four coercive acts were the _ _ _, the _ _ _ _ _, the _ _, and the _ _
the coercive acts led the _ massachusetts to the point of insurrection
First Continental Congress, Continental Association
the _ _ _ put a limited boycott on trade in response to the coercive acts, enforced by the _ _
Lexington, Concord
the attacks in _ and _ happened due to General gage's desire to attack ammo storage sites
Lord Dunmore
_ _ issued the proclamation saying that defecting slaves would fight for freedom