Why was the War of 1812 the worst fought wars?
It is one of the worst fought wars in American history because of the disunity and there wasn't any national anger. The army was very inadequate, ill trained, and ill disciplined and widely scattered. Also the offensive strategy against Canada was poorly conceived. The navy was more equip because they were more skillful had better gunners and manned by non-press gang crews. American economic life was crippled
What happened at Washington D.C (War of 1812)?
A 4,000 British force was in the Chesapeake Bay area in August of 1814, where they advanced to Washington. They easily dispersed the 6,000 militiamen there and burned many public buildings and the White House
What happened Fort McHenry (War of 1812)?
The British went to Baltimore where they were beaten by privateer defenders. Francis Scott Key made the National Anthem from being inspired
What happened at New Orleans (War of 1812)?
The overconfident British (8,000) was defeated by Andrew Jackson who had just finished defeating the Indians in the Battle of Horseshoe Bend. Andrew Jackson was put in command of sailors, regulars, pirates, Frenchmen, and militiamen from Kentucky, Louisiana, and Tennessee. The British made a frontal attack on January 8, 1815, which killed/wounded 2,000 men. Jackson was known as a hero
What is the Treaty of Ghent?
Was signed on December 24, 1814 two weeks before the Battle of New Orleans. Britain and America agreed to stop fighting and to restore conquered territory. The treaty didn't mention the grievances for which America fought-the Indian menace, search and seizure, orders in council, impressment and confiscation. Showed that America didn't defeat British.
What was the most spectacular manifestation of the Federal discontent?
The Hartford Convention from December 15, 1814 to January 5, 1815. Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island sent full delegation, New Hampshire and Vermont sent partial representation at Hartford, Connecticut. They demanded financial assistance from Washington to compensate for lost trade, and constitutional amendments requiring 2/3 vote in Congress before an embargo could be imposed, new states admitted or war. They sent three envoys to Washington. It because the death dirge of the Federalist party, where they nominated the last federalist presidential candidate in 1816
Why was the War of 1812 known as the Second War for American Independence(diplomat wise and economic)
The Republic had shown that it would resist, sword in hand what it regarded as grievances. Many countries developed new respect for America's fighting power, emissaries abroad were treated with less scorn. The American industries that were stimulated by the fighting rendered America less dependent on Europe's workshop
Where was nationalistic spirit recognized?
authors like Washington Irving and James Fenimore Cooper gained international recognition. Textbooks were now written by Americans for Americans. The North American Review debuted in 1815, and American painters painted landscapes of America on their canvases while history books were now being written by Americans for Americans. Washington D.C. rose from the ashes to be better than ever, and the navy and army strengthened themselves.
Stephen Decatur, naval hero of the War of 1812 and the Barbary Coast expeditions, was famous for his American toast after his return from the Mediterranean: "Our country! In her intercourse with foreign nations may she always be in the right; but our country, right or wrong!"
Henry Clay and the American System
Henry Clay developed a profitable home market known as the American System (1824). Three main parts to the system was that it had a strong banking system, which provided easy and abundant credit, he advocated for a protective tariff, which would help eastern manufacturing flourish, finally the revenues from the tariffs would help fund a network of roads and canals especially in the Ohio valley
What is the Tariff of 1816?
It is the first tariff in American history for the sole reason of protection instead of revenue. The rates was 20-25 percent on the value of dutiable imports. They weren't high enough for a complete safeguard but it was a bold beginning
What did Madison veto in 1817?
The congress attempt to distribute 1.5 millions to the states for internal improvements, he called this measure unconstitutional.
Erie Canal?
Completed by New York in 1825 because of the veto from Madison, individual states had to venture ahead with constructional programs on their own
Why was the Presidency of Monroe known as the Era of Good Feelings?
A goodwill tour was taken by Monroe in 1817 where ostensibly inspected military defenses, went northward to New England, went westward to Detroit, visited Niagara Falls, and was welcomed by the Federalist New England
Why was the Era of Good Feelings a misnomer?
Even though there was tranquility and prosperity in the early years, it was still a troubled era. There was problems with issues of the tariff, bank, internal improvements, and the sale of public lands and sectionalism was crystallizing, and conflict over slavery was beginning to raise
What was the Panic of 1819?
It was an economic panic, that brought deflation, depression, bankruptcies, bank failures, unemployment, soup kitchens, also overcrowded pesthouses known as debtor's prison. created backwashes in political and social world, poorer classes were severely strapped and in their troubles was sown the seedbed of Jacksonian democracy, hard times also directed attention to the inhumanity of imprisonment of debtors.
How many states joined the 13 original states?
Between 1791 and 1819, nine frontier states were added
What is the Tallmadge amendment?
Although it met all the requirements of becoming a state, the House of Representatives stymied the plans for its statehood when it proposed theTallmadge Amendment, which provided that no more slaves be brought into Missouri and also provided for the gradual emancipation of children born to slave parents already in Missouri (this was shot down in the Senate).
What is the Missouri Compromise?
Missouri would be admitted as a slave state while Maine would be admitted as a free state (which had been apart of Massachusetts), thus maintaining the balance (it went from 11 free states and 11 slave states to 12 and 12).All new states north of the 36°30' line would be free, new states southward would be slave. Both the North and South gained something, and though neither was totally happy, the compromise worked for 34 years.
What is the McCulloch vs Maryland case of 1819?
This case involved Maryland's trying to destroy the Bank of the U.S. by taxing its currency notes. Marshall invoked the Hamiltonian principle of implied powers and denied Maryland's right to tax the bank, and also gave the doctrine of "loose construction," using the elastic clause of the Constitution as its basis. He implied that the Constitution was to last for many ages, and thereby was constructed loosely, flexibly, to be bent as times changed.
What is the Treaty of 1818?
This treaty made America share the coveted Newfoundland fisheries with their Canadian cousins. This also fixed the vague northern limits of Louisiana along the 49 parallel from the Lake of the Woods (Minnesota) to the Rocky Mountains. It also made a 10 year joint occupation of the untamed Oregon country without a surrender of the rights or claims of either Britain or America, America gained considerable territory by securing a treaty boundary rather than a national boundary
The Florida Purchase Treaty of 1819
had Spain cede Florida and shadowy claims to Oregon in exchange for Texas. The U.S. paid $5 million to Spain for Florida.
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
Late in 1823, the Monroe Doctrine was made, incorporating non-colonization and nonintervention. Dedicated primarily to Russia in the West, Monroe said that no colonization in the Americas could happen anymore and also, European nations could not intervene in Latin American affairs. In return, the U.S. would not interfere in the Greek democratic revolt against Turkey.The monarchs of Europe were angered, but couldn't do anything about it, since the British navy would be there to stop them, further frustrating them.The doctrine has never been law, a pledge, or an agreement. It was mostly an expression of post-1812 U.S. nationalism, gave a voice of patriotism, and added to the illusion of isolationism.