Venus Figurines
Venus Figurines
*Definition:* Paleolithic statuette portraying a woman. *Significance:* Shows in the paleolithic era people might have used women to tell time through birth, pregnancy, marriage, and death. Showed they understood differences and maybe had more permanent settlements than previously thought.
*Definition:* Recounting of the beginning of things through ancestral beings (how it all started/create). *Significance:* Shows how people believed things came to be and that they were intelligent beings.
Clovis Culture
Clovis Culture
*Definition:* Prehistoric Paleo-Indian culture, named for distinct stone tools. *Significance:* It was one of the first clearly defined people in the Americas. They were hunters of large mammals. Significant because it shows what people relied on for food in the Americas.
MegaFaunal Extinction
MegaFaunal Extinction
*Definition:* The destruction of large or relatively large animals of a particular time period. *Significance:* This occurred at the end of the Last Ice Age. Climate change caused it to happen. It was a change in food for people and was one of the causes of the Agricultural Revolution.
Austronesian Migration
Austronesian Migration
*Definition:* Expansion of a group of people (Austronesians) from Asia to the Pacific islands. *Significance:* It was the last phase of the great human Migration. It was a waterborne migration that spread their language fast and far. Domesticated plants and animals were also taken.
"The Original Affluent Society"
*Definition:* The gathering and Hunting people where people worked fewer hours to meet needs. Meaning they had more leisure time. *Significance:* Shows that the thought that hunters and gatherers weren't always at the point of starvation. They had time for leisure because they only needed to meet material needs.
*Definition:* Person regarded as having access to the world of good and evil spirits (using drugs). *Significance:* They had a modern "priest" or "pope" to tell them what was going on. Used drugs to get to this state. Shows social capability.
Trance Dance
Trance Dance
*Definition:* Ritual where shamans dance and sing special medicine songs. *Significance:* These dances provided supernatural potency. This from god himself. Shows the way they connect themselves to their beliefs.
Paleolithic Settling Down
Paleolithic Settling Down
*Definition:* The process of people moving toward permanent settlements at the end of the Last Ice Age. *Significance:* Caused the Agricultural Revolution and moved people to evolving socially. Through becoming more of a community and city like area.
Gobekli Tepe
Gobekli Tepe
*Definition:* Massive Limestone pillars carved in a T-shape in a set of circle/rings for a ceremony. World's oldest temple. *Significance:* Revolutionized how archaeologists thought about the Stone Age. Showed that people settled down for longer than expected.
Fertile Crescent
Fertile Crescent
*Definition:* Region containing moist and fertile land of Western Asia. *Significance:* The start of Agriculture and domestication of plants and animals. One of the first places big civilizations were made because of its land.
*Definition:* Mountain grass (ancestor of corn) in Southern Mexico. *Significance:* One of the first sustainable crops grown in the Americas during the Agricultural Revolutions.
Diffusion Migration
Diffusion Migration
*Definition:* Spreading of something more widely (people). *Significance:* First reason of globalization of agriculture. Spread of agricultural techniques, plants, and animals.
Bantu Migration
Bantu Migration
*Definition:* Migrations of Bantu people. *Significance:* Bantu people introduced new things to the people in the area they moved to: iron working, new crops and techniques, and their culture. Permanent home structure.
*Definition:* Name means "Person". A man from one of the last hunter/gatherers in California. *Significance:* People learned a lot from his culture. His people were forced to isolate themselves, but were found anyway.
*Definition:* Archaeological site of an ancient village. *Significance:* Showed housing and domesticated foods and animals. Shows the technological innovation during this time period.
"Secondary Products Revolution"
*Definition:* Innovations in Eurasian society and culture. *Significance:* Involved new uses for domesticated animals: milk and harvest animals and to ride them.
Pastoral Societies
Pastoral Societies
*Definition:* Nomadic group of people who travel with herds of domesticated animals (food source). *Significance:* Moved with the seasons and animals and created powerful military confederations. The domesticated animals made easier traveling on forbidding environments.
*Definition:* Large settlement. One of the first cities. *Significance:* Example of an early town where transition to a fully settled existence was achieved. Food from agriculture and social/gender equality in communities.
*Definition:* Form of hierarchical political organization society based on kinship with a formal leader. *Significance:* Cultural evolution. Where people began giving different "classes". Not through fear and violence but through kinship/gifts/charisma.
Flores Men
*Definition* Neanderthals *significance* extinct species that were very close to the homo sapiens.
Stateless Society
Definition: village based societies organized by groups without that functioned without a formal government Significance: societies organized around kinship. They lack concentration of political power