Which Chinese emperor established an imperial academy where potential officials were trained as scholars with an emphasis on Confucian teachings?
Wu Di
Which of India's four ranked classes (varna) became more associated with trade and artisanship over time?
It is estimated that in the heartland of this ancient civilization between 33 and 44 percent of the population were slaves.
Which of the following statements best reflects attitudes toward homosexuality in classical Greece?
Sparta prohibited homosexuality.
What was the attitude of the Chinese ruling elite toward merchants?
They were regarded as an unproductive threat to society.
How did India's caste system facilitate the exploitation of the poor by the rich during the second-wave era?
Organized resistance across caste lines was difficult.
What category of a slave in China was confiscated by the early Han and sometimes sold to wealthy individuals?
Convicted criminals and their families
Which civilization practiced very strong patriarchy, believing that the yang, or male principle, denotes strength, rationality, and light, while the yin, or female principle, was associated with weakness, emotion, and darkness?
Which of the following inspired the Yellow Turban Rebellion of 184-204 C.E.?
Which of India's four ranked classes (varna) were the warrior and governing class?
Which of the following statements best describes slavery in China during the Han dynasty?
Slavery never became a major source of labor for agriculture or manufacturing.
Which of the following is an example of how women on occasion participated in the public life of China during the second-wave era?
Women led several peasant revolts.
Who benefitted most in Chinese society from the policies pursued by Wang Mang between 8 and 23 C.E.?
Which of India's four ranked classes (varna) was the lowest ranking and was made up of native peoples?
Which of the following best describes the outcome of Spartacus's slave revolt in 73-71 B.C.E.?
It was suppressed with brutal violence.
Which ancient Greek philosopher described women as inadequate and infertile males who only play a passive role in reproduction and are incapable of rational thought?
Why did the scholar-gentry in China during the Han dynasty view peasants as more worthy of praise than merchants?
Peasants were a productive part of society.
Which of the following was a distinct feature of Indian society during the second-wave era?
The extent to which its social order was based on race and purity of blood.
What was a distinct feature of Roman society during the second-wave era?
Extent to which slaveholding defined its economy
Which of the following statements best reflects the education of women in Athens?
Elite women were normally limited to learning domestic skills like weaving.
Which of the following best reflects the role of Confucianism in the civil service curriculum once the imperial academy was founded in 124 B.C.E.?
It was emphasized throughout the curriculum.
What impact did the caste-based system have on Indian political history?
The jati system focused the loyalties of most people on small localities, making the construction of imperial identities difficult.
Which of the following statements accurately describes India's caste system?
As it developed, it became impossible for an individual to rise in caste, but entire jatis could raise their standing in a variety of ways.
What role did race play in Roman slavery?
Race played little role in the slave system of the Roman Empire.
Which of the following is true of the particular duties, rules, and obligations required of Indians in a specific jati or varna in second-wave era India?
Only Kshatriyas were permitted to eat meat.
The major peasant revolt that contributed to the fall of China's Han dynasty is known as the
Yellow Turban Rebellion.
What role did the god Parusha play in the creation of the varna system?
The four varnas were formed from the body of Parusha.
Which of the following statements reflects land distribution in China around 210 B.C.E. when the Qin unified China?
Most lands were held by small scale-peasant farmers.
Which of the following statements best reflects the difference between cultural assimilation in China and India during the second-wave period?
In China, assimilation required becoming Chinese ethnically, linguistically, and culturally.
Which of the following best describes the Great Peace that peasants who participated in the Yellow Turban movement looked forward to?
Golden age of complete equality, social harmony, and the common ownership of property
Which of the following was true of the Chinese exam system under the Han?
While the elite was best positioned to take advantage of it, the exam system did provide a measure of social mobility in society.
How might a merchant in the early Han dynasty try to achieve a more respectable elite status?
Buy landed estates
Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between jatis and varnas in Indian society?
Occupational groups are known as jatis blended with the varna system to create India's unique caste-based society. Which of the following statements
Which of the following was a distinct feature of Chinese society during the second-wave era?
The extent to which its society was shaped by the state
How might a member of Indian society hope to rise to a higher status?
Faithful performance of one's current jati's duties
How did India's social system differ from China's in the second-wave era?
Chinese society was split into a smaller number of distinct social categories.