Definition- name of large upright slabs of stone or pillars, which bear an inscription, or design on them that serve as a monument, commonly found in the Mesopotamian era. Significance: There were a number of steles created during the time of Hammurabi, though only one has been found, which have the original engravings of some 280 laws following the code of Hammurabi and demonstrating the first prime examples of writings of a significant length from the Mesopotamian era. Analysis: The monuments stood for something
Economic specialization(Ch.2)
Definition: A system of organizing the manufacture of an article in a series of separate specialized operations, each of which is carried out by a different worker or group of workers. Significance: Hands-on learning and time efficiency. Employees tend to practice specific skills in specialized jobs Analysis: More hard working people and producing faster
Stratified patriarchal society(Ch.2)
Definition- name given to a category of society and government where all the dictatorship roles are filled by the richest male in the family or area, going by heirs as well as social status (men and how rich they are.) Significance: Many of the later developed regions of Mesopotamia soon followed this society, and were some of the first people to recognize significant differences in rank, wealth, and social status, thereby classifying each person into a certain social rank: elite, commoner, dependent, and slave. Analysis: A thing to show the richest male who was in power
Elite, commoner, dependant, slave(Ch.2)
Definition- are the categorizations given to the first people to recognize specific social classes of the Mesopotamian era. Elite refers to the rich and noble people, commoner to the middle and lower class, dependent to someone who owes a debt, and slaves to the workers who are under the domination of a social class higher than them. Significance: These were the first categories in a social class ever recognized by humanity before, during the Mesopotamian area, due to an abundance of food and other items, which allowed for an accumulation of wealth. Analysis: The ranks slaves where given for there work
Definition: the first written language on earth, found in early Mesopotamia and designated mostly for trade but later on for scholarly works; it was made by scratching symbols into wet clay and then letting it hard in the sun or baking it. Significance: Cuneiform is the first recorded written language and was used primarily for trade efforts. Analysis: Is what each of of the languages branded of from this
Definition: Moses is the Hebrew prophet who led the Israelites out of Egypt and delivered the Law during their years of wandering through the wilderness. Significance: Moses was the first man ever to introduce monotheism, or the belief in one God, especially during a time of strict belief and adherence to polytheism all throughout Mesopotamia. Analysis: One of the first men to bring in believe of only one god then other religions where thy believe in more then 1