Christopher Columbus
1492 Columbus encountered the Americas on his way to find a middle passage to Asia. He changed the world, actually settled it.
Bartolommeo Dias and Cape of Good Hope
Portuguese explorer that discovered the southern tip of Africa, hoping to find a trade route to India. Important because Europeans could trade directly with India without the middle eastern middle man.
18th Century Population Growth
People marry earlier, men can self sustain and women were married around 16, many more years to produce children, people were much healthier
Strengthen the nation-state by making the economy serve its interests. Each nation must sure as much of the world's wealth as possible.
Exploiting powers through military force, in the colonies, countries like France, Spain and England. Trying to build wealth in the new world
"Middle Ground" in the New France
Hybrid Culture between the French and the Indians, cooperation of one another, Indians hunted Beaver for the French. Clothes, food, intermarriage, language, war, religion
Francis Drake
One of England's greatest adventurers. Sailed all the way around the globe. Defeated the Spanish armada and made a fortune stealing from the Spanish.
Walter Raleigh
Received a charter to establish a colony in North America and started the colony of Roanoke. Knighted by Queen Elizabeth. Travels back and forth to Roanoke and finds it deserted.
Indians were good at planting it, colonists refused to plant it because it was degrading for them, people ended up starving in Virginia especially.
People were desperate to make money, became a huge industry in the new world, colonists became wealthy, greed. allowed people to get drunk
Indians hunted Beaver Pelts for the French, make them a lot of money, formed a Hybrid culture and close relationships with the Indians
1585, 1/3 were aristocrats, 1/3 soldiers, 1/3 peasants, were doomed to fail, no one wanted to work, 1590 GONE
disaster that lasted for 10 years, 1/3 aristocrats, failed to bring farmers, people died and were starving, killed indians, then tobacco came and things got a little better
1619 first recorded slaves in Virginia, slave ship crashed and they were sold, unaware of consequences, gradually become slavery
People with nothing in Europe went to Virginia, worked for 7 years on a plantation for tobacco, had hopes of becoming rich, horrible conditions, 1/2 of people died.
Nathaniel Bacon
Led Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia. In indentured Servant and was angry about governor Berkeley's distribution of land to the Native Americans and taxes so he marched with an army of angry rebels and killed many Indians and others. Got Berkeley removed from office.
Henry VIII
Henry VIII wanted a divorce from his wife Katherine of Aragon to leave her for Ann Boelyn but the Pope would not allow it because he was friends of Katherines parents. So, Henry Started the Church of England and deemed himself the ruler of it.
Queen Elizabeth 1
Established rule in England after her sister Bloody Mary. reestablished the Anglican Church.
Wanted to worship free of corruption and pagan influences and purify the church, Massachusetts bay colony, came to conquer the world, create a "City Upon a Hill"
Pilgrim/ Separatists
Wanted to separate from the Church of England all together,
Roger Williams
young radical minister in the Mass Bay Colony and announced himself as a separatist. advocated religious toleration and self governing church sects. was exiled to rhode island
Anne Hutchinson
had bible studies in her home and challenged the idea of "preparation" became very popular with others because of her beliefs and she was exiled to rhode island
Calvinists belief. even before people were born it was decided whether or not they were saved. Also believed by Puritans
John Calvin
Swiss protestant reformer insisted on predestination
Martin Luther
started the reformation, you are saved by faith alone, the Bible is the only rule of faith, 95 thesis
Protestant reformation was spurred 95 thesis of martin luther, Sola Scriptura- by scripture alone, brought about other issues within the church ex. indulgences and baptism, ENcouraged people to come to the colonies. split into lutherans, calvinists and anabaptists.
John Winthrop
Wrote an essay about freedom, people elected him and so he was chosen by God through the people, shows a very different world
Petition of Rights
1628 Parliament passed it to reassert basic freedoms such as: no taxation except by act of parliament, no arbitrary arrest or imprisonment, no quartering of soldiers in private homes.
Oliver Cromwell
A puritan ruled as Lord Protector in England.
Glorious Revolution
1688 in England, a bloodless revolution, parliament kicked out the king. william of orange came in to take the throne. idea that people can choose leaders and that transitions of power don't have to be bloody.
"City Upon A Hill"
Puritans goal for leaving England THey wanted to be a perfect example of how to live, and the world would look to them as an example.
William Penn
A Quaker, set up a colony and promised freedom of religion, self- government and reasonably priced land. was successful.
Metacom, or King Philip
Was a war between the colonists and the Indians, over land and sovereignty, over 4,000 indians Died and many colonists did too. eliminated much of the native american presence
Half-Way Covenant
a group of ministers adopted this covenant, it set out terms for church membership and participation. members had to have a conversion experience. More people became attenders than members. Aggravated puritans even more
Tituba, was accused of practicing witchcraft against young girls in salem. Her and many other women were accused and killed for being witches.
George Whitefield
Preached the Gospel in open fields, would preach to around 5,000- 15,000 people!! unorthodox and went against tradition, very dramatic and emotional performances, message was the new birth
Great Awakening
a baffling moment of history, Traveling Evangelists, religious revival, no longer a need for an interview with a pastor to become saved, all about new birth and an internal feelings
Jonathan Edwards
very boring but his sermons caused a revival, incredibly intelligent, all handwritten works
a huge movement that laid the foundations for the American Government, look to nature to investigate for knowledge, you can be happy on this earth
John Locke (Two Treaties of Government)
Social Contract, Man gives up his rights to a leader so that there is not chaos, people have natural rights and if the leader goes against them so people have the right to rebel. almost democratic.
Cotton Mather
During the Enlightenment this reverend in Boston developed the procedure for inoculating smallpox.
Wrote an essay about what is enlightenment and won. Ideas, do not be lazy, you can challenge things with reason and thought, seeds for the revolution in America.
Domesticated Animals
Indians were less advanced because they only had dogs and turkeys, so they were a nomadic society. Could not build homes.