progressive movement
aimed to restore economic opportunities and correct injustices- gave people control in goverment
Florence Kelley
advocate for improving the lives of women & children
banning of alcoholic beverages
journalist who wrote about corruption in business and public life
scientific management
scientific principle that tests how fast you can do something (ex.assembly lines)
Robert m. la follette
republican governor who targets the railroads
a bill originated by the people rather that law makers
vote on an initiative
special election to try and remove public officials by having another election
seventeenth amendment
direct election of senators
National association of colored women
susan b Anthony
early leader of the suffrage movement, founded the NWSA
the right to vote
19th amendment
gave women the right to vote
National American Women Suffrage Assosiation - originally the NWSA
3 part strategy for suffrage
convince state legislature fro women's suffrage-test 14th amendment in court, fight for a constitutional amendment
Teddy Roosevelt
26th president of the United States- belived some trusts are good- plans called square deal
make change in order to improve
legal bodies created to hold stock in many companies (some good, some bad)
Elkins act
made it illegal for railroad officials to give, and shippers to receive rebates for using particular railroads
Hepburn act
limited distribution of free railroad passes, a common form of bribery
Meat inspection act
dictated strict cleanliness requirements for meatpackers and created the program of federal meat inspection
Pure food and drug act
halted the sale of contaminated foods and medicines and called for truth in labeling
wilderness areas preserved while others developed for common good
Nation Association for the advancement of colored people- wanted full equality among the races
William Howard Taft
republican president who gets little credit for success- split republican party
Payne-Aldrich Tariff
a compromise bill- moderate tariff-split republican party
Richard A Ballinger Incident
Split republican party over conservation
Bull Moose Party
Party formed by progressives nominate Roosevelt
Woodrow Wilson
Democrat who wins in 1912-28th president - plans called New Freedom
Election of 1912
Wilson won while Taft and Roosevelt fought
Clayton Antitrust Act
Law that made certain monopolies illegal and protected the rights of labor unions and farm organizations
Federal Trade Commission
"Watch Dog" agency given the power to stop unfair business practices (monopolies)
the right to vote
Women's suffrage leaders
Carrie Chapman Catt, Alice Paul, Lucy Burns
Carrie Chapman Catt Strategies
Organization Close ties between local,state, and national workers Establish wide base of support Lobbying Lady like behavior
Wilson and Civil rights
Appose anti lynching laws, segregated Washington D.C. offices, and put white southerners in cabinet
Gifford Pinchot
Belived in multi-use land program (conservation)
Federal Reserve Act
Divide US into 12 districts with 1 federal bank in each district