What was the Wilmot Proviso?
1846 bill that would have banned slavery in the territory won from Mexico in the Mexican American War
What was the Free Soil Party?
antislavery political party of the mid 1800s
What was popular sovereignty?
the voters in a territory get to decide wether or not to allow slavery instead of congress
What was the compromise of 1850?
Political agreement that allowed California to be admitted as a free state by allowing popular sovereignty in the territories and enacting a stricter fugitive slave law
What was the Fugitive Slave Act?
law that required all citizens to aid in apprehending runaway slaves
What does secede mean?
to withdraw formally from a membership in a group or an organization
How did congress try to resolve the dispute between North and South over Slavery?
They decided to embrace the idea of popular sovereignty and let the people decide
How did the northern and southern views of slavery differ?
The North had many varying views, some wanted it abolished because of moral issues yet still saw them as inferior while others made money of of the south's cotton and opposed liberation. The south thought that by having them enslaved, they were helping them and that it was the will of God
What role did the issue of slavery play in the election of 1848?
The issue of slavery caused new political parties and factions to form, splitting the democrats and whigs apart
Why did California's application for statehood cause a crisis?
With California wanting to become a state, they did not want the balance of the pro slavery and anti slavery states to be disrupted
How did the Compromise of 1850 appease both North and South?
It allowed California to become a free state appeasing the North, and they made the fugitive slave laws stricter to appease the South
Why might the Underground Railroad have been more active in free states than in slave states?
It could have been because by the time they had to get to the underground rail road, they had already escaped their masters in the South and needed help in the North
In what ways did the Fugitive Slave Act affect free African Americans?
It put their freedom in question as to wether they escaped or they had bought their freedom or were released
What were the personal liberty laws?
Laws enacted by Northern states to counteract the Fugitive Slave Act by granting rights to escaped slaves and free blacks
What was the Underground Railroad?
system that existed before the Civil War, in which black and white abolitionists helped escaped slaves travel to safe areas, especially Canada
Who was Harriet Tubman?
She was a fugitive slave who was an underground railroad conductor known as "Black Moses" because of the amount of people she led out of bondage
Who was Harriet Beecher Stowe?
Publisher of Uncle Tom's Cabin, which powerfully condemned slavery
What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
1854 law that divided the Nebraska Territory into Kansas and Nebraska giving each territory the right to decide whether or not to allow slavery
Who was John Brown?
A New york abolitionist that executed five proslavery settlers
What was "Bleeding Kansas"?
term used to describe the 1854-1856 violence between proslavery and antislavery supporters in Kansas
How did the Fugitive Slave Act and the Kansas-Nebraska Act increase tensions between the North and the South?
The Fugitive Slave Act required the Northerners to return the fugitive slaves they had been harboring and for the two new states to decide their verdict on slavery on their own
What were the consequences of the Fugitive Slave Act for slaveholders, white northerners, and free or fugitive African Americans?
Slaveholders got their slaves returned, white Northerners either had to give up the slaves they were harboring or were glad to have the job competition gone. and the free slaves were afraid that they would be marked as a fugitive and brought back with all the rest back into slavery
How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act undo the Missouri Compromise?
It allowed any state decide wether or not to allow slavery not depending on their location on a map
Who were the Know-Nothings?
political party of the mid 1800s, officially known as the American Party, that opposed immigration
What was the Republican Party?
political party established around an antislavery platform in 1854
Who was Dred Scott?
A missouri slave that sued for his freedom
Who was Roger B. Taney?
Cheif Justice who supervised the Dred Scott case, ruling against Scott
Who was Abraham Lincoln?
President of The United States at the time, began his political career at 25 years of age
Who was Stephen A. Douglas?
Lincoln's opponent during the presidential election
What was Harpers Ferry?
town in Virginia where abolitionist John Brown raided a federal arsenal in 1859
What developments deepened the divisions between North and South?
The ruling against Dred Scott in his case, the election of Abraham Lincoln as president, the Election of 1856, and John Brown's exicution
Why did the Republican Party form?
the old parties broke apart, and with the new movements of antislavery gave rise to the Republican Party
How did the Dred Scott decision increase tensions between North and South?
Because the court declared that slaves did not have the right to sue
How successful was John Brown;s raid on Harpers Ferry?
Brown's efforts failed and he ended up being executed
Who was Jefferson Davis?
Was a senator who convinced Congress to adopt resolutions restricting federal control over slavery in territories
Who was John C. Breckinridge?
Vice Presided supported by democrats from the South
What was the Confederate States of America?
government of 11 southern states that seceded from the United States and fought against the Union in the Civil War
What was the Crittenden Compromise?
1861 proposed constitutional amendemnt that attempted to prevent secession of the southern states by allowing slavery in all territories south of the Missouri Compromise line
What was Fort Sumter?
federal fort located in Charleston, South Carolina, where the first shots of the Civil War were fired
How did the Union finally collapse into a civil war?
The president was elected without a single southern vote, therefor the south thought that they no longer needed to abide by a government that they had no say in, therefor the seceded, Lincoln said that no state could secede from the Union by its own accord, therefor they fighting broke out
How did the election of 1860 increase sectional tensions?
Lincoln did not receive a single southern vote yet he was still elected into office, therefor the South did not get a say in who was President
Why did the southern states secede?
They felt that because the leader of the United States of America was not elected by all of the United States of America, then he was not the leader and therefor it should be dissolved
How could Buchanan have prevented war?
Buchanan could have prevented war by not allowing the Confederate to separate from the Union. Buchanan could have also acted differently on issues of slavery, especially in Kansas.
What was the Fugitive Slave Act?
law that required all citizens to aid in apprehending runaway slaves
What was the Underground Railroad?
system that existed before the Civil War, in which black and white abolitionists helped escaped slaves travel to safe areas, especially Canada
What was Bleeding Kansas?
term used to describe the 1854-1856 violence between proslavery and antislavery supporters in Kansas
What was Harpers Ferry?
town in Virginia where abolitionist John Brown raided a federal arsenal in 1859
Who was Jefferson Davis?
Was a senator who convinced Congress to adopt resolutions restricting federal control over slavery in territories
How did Congress try to resolve the dispute between North and South over slavery?
They decided to embrace the idea of popular sovereignty and let the people decide
How did the Fugitive Slave Act and the Kansas-Nebraska Act increase tensions between the North and the South?
The Fugitive Slave Act required the Northerners to return the fugitive slaves they had been harboring and for the two new states to decide their verdict on slavery on their own
How did the Union finally collapse into a civil war?
The president was elected without a single southern vote, therefor the south thought that they no longer needed to abide by a government that they had no say in, therefor the seceded, Lincoln said that no state could secede from the Union by its own accord, therefor they fighting broke out
Up until the 1840s, the Whigs and the Democrats had failed to declare an opinion on the slavery issue, what caused them to change this policy?
The tensions erupting between the North and the South needed to be adressed by the Government before the people tore themselves apart
How did Calhoun and Webster respond to Clay's proposed compromise?
They both gave passionate speeches to the senate expressing their opinions and oppositions
What attitudes did the abolitionist writers and proslavery writers portray in their novels?
They were angry and viewed that slavery was an inhumane act
In what ways did the Kansas-Nebraska Act support the expansion of slavery?
it created more proslavery states
How did the Republican Party grow so rapidly that within two years, its candidates were challenging the established parties?
Because of Lincoln's success in unifying the nation, they gained power over the states that had rebelled
What did Fredrick Douglass predict might happen as a result of the Dred Scott decision?
He predicted that the abolitionists would cause a huge uproar
Which candidate received the fewest electoral votes in comparison with his percentage of popular vote?
Stephen A. Douglass