Comstock Lode
Name for a large silver discovery in Nevada in 1850
Sutter's Mill
Site where gold was discovered in California, 1848
Irish and Chinese
Two immigrant groups used to build the transcontinental railroad
Land Grants
Means by which the federal government subsidized building railroads
Frederick Jackson Turner
Historian. Wrote about importance of the frontier in American History
Lifestyle of the Plains Indians prior to being forced onto reservations
Leader of the Apache who resisted relocation
Chief Joseph
Leader of the Nez Perce who attempted to bring his people to Canada
Sitting Bull
Leader of Lakota Sioux
Treaty of Fort Laramie
Where treaties with the Sioux plains indians were signed
Wounded Knee
Site of massacre of Native Americans that signified the end of their resistance
Battle of Little Big Horn
Native American victory where the U.S. 7th Cavalry were killed
George A. Custer
Leader of the U.S. 7th Calvary in the Plains Wars
Dawes Act
Legislation that was meant to assimilate Native Americans and make them farmers
Helen Hunt Jackson
Wrote a Century of Dishonor about government mistreatment of Native Americans
Farm organization that provided social activities, education, and cooperative buying
Free Silver
Proposal by farmers how to increase the money supply/ crops prices
People's Party (Populist)
Political party formed by farmers
James B. Weaver
Candidate of the party above in 1892
William J. Bryan
Democratic candidate in 1896 who supported bimettalism/ free silver
William McKinley
Republican candidate in 1896 who supported the gold standard
Morrill Act of 1862
Law that gave land to states to establish colleges for vocational training
Homestead act
Law that offered cheap land to states to establish colleges for vocational training
Granger Laws
State laws to regulate the railroad industry. Ruled unconstitutional
Wabash v Illinois
Supreme court decision that overturned state regulation of railroads (above)
Farmers Alliance
Federal legislation regulating railroads
Henry Grady
He proposed that the South needed to industrialize it economy
Plessy v Ferguson
Supreme Court decision that allowed measures that enforced segregation
Movement of African-Americans to Kansas to form independent black communities
Promontory Point
Site in Utah of completion of the 1st transcontinental railroad
Promontory Point
Site in Utah of completion of the 1st transcontinental railroad