What kind of crop has Jeff Patton worked all his life?
The cotton crop was Jeff's main crop.
Who is Major Stevenson?
Major Stevenson is the owner of Greenbriar Plantation, where Jeff and Jennie Patton have lived and farmed as sharecroppers for forty-five years.
Why is Jeff no longer able to take care of his wife?
Jeff had a stroke and left him lame, and he fears that another will make him a helpless burden on his wife, Jennie, who has been blind for years and is now frail.

Why does Jennie want Jeff to drive past Delia Moore's house?
Jennie was scared of Delia Moore.
What memory does Jeff recall before he pulls off the road?
Jeff felt a familiar excitement, a thrill, as they came down the first slope to the immense levels on which the cotton was growing.
Despite years of hard work, why is Jeff Patton still in debt?
Even after many good years of farming, Jeff will remain in debt to the landowner.
What is Jeff's feeling for the land?
Jeff actually felt brave.

At what point in the story did you realize the purpose of the trip?
Jennie has repeatedly prompted Jeff to make this trip, relying on his courage to match her belief in the rightness of their decision.
How does Bontemps show the love between Jeff and Jennie?
Bowtemps showed that passion and the good relationship Jeff and Jennie had.
What happens during the journey that makes it possible for Jeff and Jennie to accept their deaths?
Since then there had been no time the years had fallen on him like waves. Now he was old, worn out.

Another paralytic stroke like the one he had already suffered would put him on his back for keeps. In that condition, with a frail blind woman to look after him, he would be worse off than if he were dead.

Throughout the story we are kept aware of the beauty of the summer day. Why is it significant that this human tragedy occurs in summer rather thin in another season?
I think that it happened in the summer because I feel that the summer is one of the best season.
How did you feel at the end of Bontemp's story? Did you feel that you had been prepared for the outcome? Did the ending have a strong impact on you?
I felt at the end of the story was good because Jeff came out of his shyness and developed courage.