Help missionaries learn how the eight Fundamentals from Preach My Gospel will help them improve their teaching.
Fundamentals Overview
Help missionaries learn that the doctrine of Christ and the missionary purpose are one and the same. Help missionaries learn how to confidently invite investigators to be baptized, especially in the first visit.
The Doctrine of Christ--The Missionary Purpose
Help missionaries learn more about the central role of the Holy Ghost in conversion and how to recognize and follow the promptings from the Holy Ghost to help investigators accept the invitation to be baptized.
The Role of the Holy Ghost in Conversion
Help missionaries learn that prayer is essential for conversion and how to invite others to pray early and often so that they may receive personal revelation.
Revelation through Prayer
Help missionaries learn why the Book of Mormon is essential for conversion and how to invite others to read and pray to know it is true.
Revelation through the Book of Mormon
Help missionaries learn why church attendance is essential for conversion and how to teach and invite others to receive revelation through church attendance.
Revelation through Church Attendance
Help missionaries learn how to ask inspired question, listen, discern, and teach doctrine from the lessons according to the needs of the investigator and the promptings of the Spirit.
Teach People, Not Lessons
Help missionaries learn that invitations and personal agency are essential in conversion and how to extend invitations that help others repent and come unto Christ.
We Invite, They Commit, We Follow Up
Help missionaries learn how to apply the principles of "How to Begin Teaching" in every lesson.
How to Begin Teaching
Help missionaries understand the relationship between God and the investigator, and the missionaries' role in helping investigators strengthen that relationship.
Teacher as a Progressing Investigator
Help missionaries improve teaching in the language as they teach volunteers from the community.
TRC Teaching
Help missionaries see a complete visit with an investigator. Include elements of "How to Begin Teaching," with an emphasis on giving a simple overview and teaching a lesson by the Spirit to meet the investigator's needs.
Demonstrate Teaching
Help missionaries improve their teaching and experience "what an investigator must feel in order to receive conversion (Preach My Gospel, 92).
Practice Teaching/Introduce Missionary as a Progressing Investigator
Help missionaries learn how to plan, study, and prepare to teach investigators.
Study & Prepare to Teach
Help missionaries improve their personal, companion, and language study so they can better meet the needs of the investigators.
Coaching Missionary Study
Help missionaries learn how to plan for the week as they focus on key indicators and meeting the needs of their investigators.
Weekly Planning
Help missionaries learn that they and their investigators can receive personal revelation by reading the Book of Mormon.
Read the Book of Mormon
Help missionaries learn from the lessons in chapter 3 and that teaching the doctrine by the Spirit will help meet the needs of investigators.
Lessons in Chapter 3
Missionaries will practice using grammar patterns 30-40 times in meaningful communication.
Grammar Instruction
Help missionaries learn foundational vocabulary and sentence patterns that can be used in their initial teaching appointments.
Task Instruction
Help missionaries effectively use TALL to improve their language proficiency.
Teacher-led TALL
Help missionaries complete the new missionary orientation, become acquainted with one another, review their purpose, understand that they will be immersed in their mission language, and begin to feel comfortable in the MTC.
First Day Welcome
Help missionaries experience the process of planning and studying to prepare to teach their first progressing investigator.
Prepare to Teach the First Investigator
Conclude the experience of the first few days by helping missionaries reflect on what they have learned about their purpose and the process of conversion.
First Investigator Review
Help missionaries understand what stress is, how to recognize when they are experiencing distress, and how to use strategies to better cope with stress. Also help them be committed to help their companions and other missionaries in their district as need.
Stress Management for Missionaries