Continutity and change
Speed Within your family Warwick America, civil rights movement
Geography and history
The world around us and current events 5 themes of geography:
Absolute (location)
Absolute: measurable longitude and latitude ex: Newburgh 45,' 48
Relative (location)
Depends on other places ex: Warwick is next to New York City
Special, distinguishing features of a spot
Physical characteristics (place)
Climate, soil
Human characteristics (place)
Spot, life expectancy, in U.S it's higher
Travel, trade, communication, south and west where U.S population moving to
Groupings based on at least 1 common characteristic
Vernacular (region)
Based on popular culture ex: "The city" is New York City
Formal (region)
Area of similar appearance ex; Pine Island Black Dirt
Functional (region)
Dissimilar areas linked for a reason ex: Sugar Loaf kids go to Warwick schools
Fiat (region)
Political area ex: based on voting district
Human environmental interaction (region)
How humans use and change land and vice versa
Political and social systems
Create order and stability Basic unit of society- the family Gender roles vary Social classes, wealth, ancestry, occupation, education
Religions and values systems
View or morality-right vs wrong Answers tough questions ex: is there God, heaven Impacts world views
Economics and technology
Need job to make money Age? Maturity? Use?
Different cultures E pluribus unum out of the many, one
Impact of the individual
Can recognize a person missing, or person based on good or bad image
Art and literature
Expression of life and values Critically examine our culture Music, theatre, books
Global interaction
Social media, trade, travel, peace/war