Neolithic Agricultural Revolution
~8,000 BCE
Rise of Mesopotamian Civilization
~3500 BCE
Rise of Egyptian Civilization
~3100 BCE
Rise of Indus Valley Civilization
~2600 BCE
King Hammurabi Created Law Code
~1775 BCE
Rise of Shang Dynasty
1750 BCE
Rise of Zhou Dynasty
1027 BCE
Rise of La Venta (Olmecs) and Chavin Civilization
900 BCE
Life of Buddha, Confucius, Socrates ("The Axial Age")
5th-6th Century BCE
Greek-Persian Wars
499-480 BCE
Warring States Period in China
480-221 BCE
Mauryan Empire
324-184 BCE
Alexander the Great Died
323 BCE
Qin Dynasty (Shi Huangdi-China become China)
221-206 BCE
Han Dynasty
206 BCE- 220 CE
Pax Romana
20 BCE-180 CE
Life of Jesus
4 BCE- 29 CE
Mayan Classic Period
250-900 CE
Gupta Empire
320-550 CE
Fall of Western Roman Empire
476 CE
Sui Dynasty
581-618 CE
Life of Muhammad (Islam Founded)
570-632 CE
Tang Dynasty
618-907 CE
Umayyad Caliphate
661-750 CE
The Battle of Tours (Europeans defeat Muslim Moors)
732 CE
Abbasid Dynasty
750-1258 CE
Charlemagne Crowned by Pope
800 CE
Song Dynasty
960-1279 CE
The Great Schism in Christianity
1054 CE
Battle of Hastings (Norman Invasion of England)
1066 CE
The Crusades
1095-1291 CE
Delhi Sultanate
1206-1526 CE
Beginning of Mongol Conquests
1211 CE
Yuan Dynasty
1279-1368 CE
Mansa Musa's Reign in Mali Began
1307 CE
Black Death in Europe
1347-1351 CE
Aztec Empire
1325-1521 CE
Ming Dynasty
1368-1644 CE
Zheng He's Voyages
1405-1433 CE
Incan Empire
1438-1533 CE
The Renaissance in Europe
~1450-1600 CE
Fall of Constantinople
1453 CE
The Reconquista (Spain unified)
1492 CE
First Voyage of Columbus
1492 CE
Beginning of Protestant Reformation
1517 CE
Rise of Mughal Empire
1526 CE
Tokugawa Shogunate
1600-1867 CE
Qing Dynasty
1644-1911 CE
The Enlightenment in Europe
Beginning of the Industrial Revolution
1750 CE
American Revolution
1775-1781 CE
French Revolution
1789-1799 CE
Rule of Napoleon Bonaparte
1799-1814 CE
End of British Slave Trade
1807 CE
Wars for Independence in Latin America
1810-1825 CE
Karl Marx Published the "Communist Manisfesto"
1848 CE
Abolition of Slavery in the U.S.
1865 CE
Meiji Restoration in Japan
1868 CE
Berlin Conference
1884-1885 CE
Mexican Revolution
1910-1920 CE
Chinese Revolution (end of Chinese dynastic rule)
1911-1912 CE
World War I
1914-1918 CE
Bolshevik Revolutions in Russia
1917 CE
Influenza Pandemic
1918-1919 CE
Beginning of the Great Depression
1929 CE
World War II
1939-1945 CE
Independence Movements in Africa Begin
1945 CE
Partition of India
1947 CE
Creation of Israel
1948 CE
Mao Zedong Established the People's Republic of China
1949 CE
Korean War
1950-1953 CE
Vietnam War
1959-1975 CE
Iran-Iraq War
1980-1988 CE
Fall of Berlin Wall
1989 CE
Fall of the Soviet Union (End of Cold War)
1991 CE