fossil fuels
nonrenewable energy resources such as coal, oil, and natural gases that form from the remains of plants and animals that were buried and altered over millions of years
a rock that contains at least 50% plant remains; typically forms when plants die in swampy areas
thick black liquid from from the buried remains of microscopic marine organisms
natural gas
natural gas
forms under similar conditions as oil, but it forms in a gaseous state
the amount of a fossil fuel that can be extracted at a profit using current technology
nuclear energy
alternate source of energy produced from atomic reactions
inexhaustable resources
resources that can not be used up such as solar energy, wind farms, hydroelectric energy
solar energy
solar energy
energy from the sun
wind farms
wind farms
a place where a large number of windmills are placed in one area for the purpose of generating electricity
hydroelectric energy
hydroelectric energy
electricity produced by waterpower
geothermal energy
geothermal energy
energy obtained by using hot magma or hot, dry rocks inside Earth
renewable resources
renewable resources
resources that can be replaced in nature or by humans within a relatively short period of time
energy derived from burning organic material such as wood, alcohol, and garbage
mineral resource
mineral resource
a deposit of useful minerals
deposits in which mineral or minerals exist in large enough amounts to be mined at a profit
using old materials to make new ones