
What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July

In 1852, Frederick Douglass was invited by the Ladies of the Rochester Anti-Slavery Sewing Society to speak at their Fourth of July celebration. As a very outspoken orator during the…

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What Is Inquiry Letter

A letter of inquiry is a request for information that the writer believes the reader to provide. Regardless of its subject, the objective is to get the reader to respond…

What Makes Us Human

The title human can have many different meanings, and can be used in different ways. Today I’m going to be telling you about what it means to be human in…

What Role Should Technology Play in Education

Communication is known to many as the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thought, message, information, speech, visual, signal, writing, or behavior. It is also a significant exchange…

What Is Art Deco

Art Deco is the new reformed movement of Art Nouveau, however less complex and more abstract and clear designs. Art Deco was during 1911-1919. This was a depressing period, with…

Special Education: What is Special About it

Education of people with disabilities has not always been what it is today and this article reviews the history of special education and the process of getting it where it…

What Is a Great Leader and How to Be a Leader

In recent years, leadership has become an increasingly important quality when assessing an employee in job interviews. Thus, more and more people, including me, begin to wonder what leadership is…

What Do Followers Want from Their Leaders

The characteristics that are wanted by followers in their leaders could vary in different jobs for the most part they are the same. It is very important for a leader…

What Makes a Civilization

A civilization depends on a number of factors which are important. These factors are the components that make a civilization. The main factors are good government and control, good geographical…

What Is Fordism

Definitions of Fordism are varied, numerous and at times conflicting. This essay discusses which features are pertinent to and uniquely defining of Fordism rather than Taylorism, Sloanism, Toyotism or any…

What Is Drama theme

Drama is written for live visual performance; it is more intense and reflects everyday life tensions more than poetry. Drama is observed right in front of you; there is color,…

What Is Success

Success means achievement, accomplishment, victory, and triumph. The dictionary states that success is “The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted; the gaining of fame or prosperity” (The Dictionary. com…

Why Georgia O'Keefe Painted What She Did

According to Chave, artists selected the skyscraper as a subject in the 20th century because they were something new and had out-did anything Europe had done so far. It was…

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