Earthquake is one of the most dangerous disaster in the world. Scientists have never predicted a major earthquake.

However, the increase in the number of seismograph stations in the world helped scientists have had more earthquake identifications each year. Thus, what do you need to do for an upcoming earthquake? To keep yourselves safely, you should follow three steps: the preparation before, during, and after an earthquake.First, before an earthquake, you need a knowledge and some skills about how to survive when the earthquake happens. You can learn the earthquake plan at your school or workplace, learn how to turn off the electricity, gas (it makes you in danger if it explodes), learn fisrt aid...

Next, make sure you have a flashlight, first aid kit, and extra batteries at home. Then, you should make up a plan of where you meet your family after earthquake.Second, during an earthquake, the most important thing is that staying calm. You should not panic and find a place to hide. If you are in your house, you can stand against a wall near a center of your house, or crawl under heavy furniture, like a desk, table or bed. You must stay away from windows and outside doors.

How about if you are outdoors? Staying away from buildings since stuff or the buildings may fall on you, and if you are in a car, you stop the car and stay inside until the earthquake stops. When this disaster is happening, you absolutely do not use matches, candles or any flame, just using your flashlight.Finally, when everything is over, checking yourself and others for injures, and sharing first aid for anyone. You need to check water, gas, and electric lines for damage. Besides, you need to stay out of damaged buildings and be careful with broken glass. It may have aftershocks, so preparing for it, too.

In conclusion, three basic steps above are the way to protect yourselves and help you survive in the earthquake. Hundreds of people still die from earthquakes each year. Therefore, you need to learn more softskills, improve and protect environment to make life safer.