
Sociology as a branch of knowledge

Sociology as a branch of knowledge, has its own unique characteristics, it is different from other sciences in certain respects. An analysis of its internal logical characteristics helps one to…

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Sociology - Childhood as a Social Construct

Topic 2 – CHILDHOOD: Childhood as a Social Construct: * Pilcher (1995) notes that the most important feature of modern childhood is ‘separateness’ from adulthood – it is seen as…

Sociology, Toys and Gender

12-3-12 Toys and Gender Assignment 3 My paper titled toys and gender, is based on the toys of today and how they relate to gender socialization. I decided to go…

Argumentative Essay about Sociology

We live our lives, everyday the same routine. Living in a society of naive realism; the universal belief that all people define the real world in pretty much the same…

Ben and Jerry's Case

Managing Social Responsibility and Growth at Ben & Jerry’s N Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield opened their first ice cream shop on May 5, 1978, in a converted gas station…

Research in Social Entrepreneurship

Structure – The goal of the article is to bridge the gap between the current understanding of social entrepreneurship and an enhanced knowledge that could aid in researching and fostering…

Sociology and Social Care Worker

The role of the health and social care worker! Title Level Credit value Learning outcomes The learner will: 1. Understand working relationships in health and social care The role of…

Social Representation of Homosexuality

The field of social representations is concerned with the explanations which people give for phenomena which they encounter in the social world. The objective of the approach is the systematic…

Social Disorganization

The following topic will coverer the involvement of social disorganization and how it relate to organized crime and its evolution, How well does social disorganization meet the criteria for organized…

The Visible Lifestyle

Juliet Schor, author of “The Overspent American: Why We Want What We Don’t Need, discusses our social positions as items that are visible that others can see and that aren’t…


LECTURE NOTES For Health Science Students Research Methodology Getu Degu Tegbar Yigzaw University of Gondar In collaboration with the Ethiopia Public Health Training Initiative, The Carter Center, the Ethiopia Ministry…

Sociology and Tutor Marked Assignment

Foundation Course in Humanities and Social Sciences Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) Course Code: BSHF-101 Assignment Code: BSHF-101/AST/TMA/2012-13 Total Marks: 100 A. Descriptive Category Questions (DCQ) answer any two in 500…

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Throughout History, Social class has become a barrier for many people; Amir and Hassan are of no exception. Creating a wall between people within societies, shows that the concept of…

Victorian Era - Influence of Context Upon Texts

Question: The study of the Victorian era involved developing a greater appreciation of previous social and literary contexts. Discuss this statement with close study to the texts you’ve studied in…

Collectivism vs Individualism

American and Asian cultures have very different approaches towards handling matters and no one approach can be deemed as the best. However, the American individualism and the Asian collectivism do…

Short Essay about Study Questions

1.Define deviance. How does this definition differ from how sociologists define deviance? Deviance is behavior or characteristics that violate important social norms. The difference between how the dictionary defines deviance…

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