
Prosocial Behaviour and Altruism

Personal behaviour is any behaviour that is intended to benefit others. Why do we engage in this behaviour? Psychologists believe that there are several reasons but generally for selfish purposes,…

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Essay Sample about Is Google Making Us Stupid

Is Google Making Us Stupid? Nicholas Carr narrated his essay based on a thesis, by Stanley Kubrick’s 2001movie: A Space Odyssey. A character named Bowman, whom has been sent to…

Teaching Someone Something using Classical Conditioning

The study of Educational Psychology pairs the science of psychology to educational practices and provides teachers with evidence-based knowledge to support their day-to-day decision making in the classroom (PowerPoint, Mullin)….

Brief description of two universal personality traits

Personality traits can be influenced by countless aspects of an individual’s life: genetics, environment, and culture are key ingredients in a person’s traits and personality. According to Erickson our personality…

Mending Wall Robert Frost

Throughout the history of man, separation has been a part to their lives in one fashion or another. Man has faced separation from their god, from their community, from their…

Speech About Insecurity

Everybody has a weakness or something that makes them feel like they’re imperfect, or they need to change. One of the main feelings that I believe is causing this is…

Disadvantages of a biopsychosocial approach

The biopsychosocial model (abbreviated “BPS”) is a general model or approach positing that biological, psychological (which entails thoughts, emotions, and behaviors), and social (socio-economical, socio-environmental, and cultural) factors, all play…

Argumentative Essay about Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness that can damage relationships, career prospects, academic performance, and can even lead to suicidal tendencies and also causes people to have episodes of…

Theoretical Orientation

My personal theoretical orientation to counseling is Cognitive-Behavioral therapy. Cognitive-Behavioral therapy helps the client to uncover and alter distortions of thought or perceptions which may be causing or prolonging psychological…

Why do people get depressed

The condition that today we label depression has been described by a number of ancient writers under the classification of `melancholia`, which perfectly describes the state of depression. Shifts in…

Dependent Personality Disorder

Dependent personality disorder (DPD), according to Cleveland Clinic (2010), is a one of the various conditions referred to as personality disorders, which are characterized by intense feelings of anxiety and…


Being a nervous dental patient myself this subject is something I can relate to when describing the surroundings of a dental office. Even though I am aware that only good…

Group counseling

Some early psychoanalysts, especially Alfred Adler, a student of Sigmund Freud, believed that many individual problems were social in origin. In the 1930s Adler encouraged his patients to meet in…

Case Study: Final

Chris and Olympia are a middle aged African-American couple that have been married no longer than 5 Years. Having successfully completed the necessary assessment to generate each spouse’s unique positive…

The Factors Affecting Wellbeing

In Maslow’s hierarchy to reach self-actualisation, which is at the top, you must go through; the physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs to then finally reach the top…

Childhood and Physical Examination

1 Compare and contrast identified similarities as well as differences in expected assessment across the childhood age groups. The Similarities: Growth and development influence by emotional health as well as…

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