
Notes about The Charge of the Light Brigade

The poem “The Charge of the Light Brigade” uses imagery and figurative language to create the tone of exhilaration and the theme of honouring the qualities of the Light Brigade….

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Pain Is Beauty, Beauty Is Pain

The poem, “Barbie Doll,” by Marge Piercy, implicitly criticizes the way that women are mixed into stereotypical roles from the time they are young. This poem makes it clear this…

Ex-Basketball Player

Many people have a difficult time letting go of their past. When you can’t let go of your past, you can’t move forward into the future. In the “Ex-Basketball Player”…

Essay Sample about Fire and Ice

‘Fire and Ice’ – Robert Frost In the poem ‘Fire and Ice’ Robert Frost explains how the world will end by either fire or ice. The poet uses these two…

Cinderella Poem

Cinderella poem version by Anne Sexton Cinderella although is based on the fairy tale written by Grimm brothers present a totally different version and point of view about traditions and…

The Interplay of the Gender Dialectic

“Dialectic”: According to the oxford dictionary the word Dialectic stands for the meaning; “The way in which two aspects of a situation affect each other.” The poem Rape of the…

Philip Larkin

A poem which describes an ordinary or everyday scene is ‘Ambulances’ by Philip Larkin. ‘Ambulances’ is about an ambulance going to take someone away and the neighbourhood is watching what…

Poem of Sapho: Analysis

The poem above is one of the many poems of the famous Greek poet Sappho. Although many of Sappho’s writings were publicly burned in the cities of Rome and Constantinople,…

The Unknown Citizen

The Unknown Citizen by W. H. Auden is a satiric poem. It describes an average citizen in a government-controlled state. In many big cities, there is a monument to the…

The Effects of Early Marriage

In the poem, “Betrothal in B Minor,” it implies that marriage is a war and a struggle in life. Getting married before the age of eighteen would be a huge…

My Country

Dorothea Mackellar’s ‘My Country’ is a poem expressing Mackellar’s deep passion and love for her country, Australia. The whole poem’s intention seems to evoke the sense of praising for the…


1. A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase that denotes one thing actually means another. Both concepts can be analyzed and a relationship established…

Argumentative Essay about The Road Not Taken

I. Introduction“The Road Not Taken” is one of the most popular, albeit not necessarily the best, works of poet Robert Lee Frost.  Many readers have heralded it as a true…

Commenatry/ Analysis on the Poem The Pike

In William Butler Yeats poem “When You Are Old,” an anonymous narrator requests of a former lover to remember her youth and his love for her, creating a surreal sense…

Sentimentality in Sharon Olds’s Poems

Sharon Olds wrote poems expressing sentimentality. In “Looking at Them Asleep,” we find sentimentality expressed in the persona’s thoughts regarding his/her children. The persona in this poem is a working…


1. Biographical Critical Method should be applied in the poems done by Emily Dickinson. This is due to the fact that virtually all of her poems tackle ideals, concepts, and…

A Reading of My Papa’s Waltz

Theodore Roethke’s “My Papa’s Waltz” speaks of how a daughter is able to see past the defects of her father with such adoring calm and respect. The poem is playful…

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