
Nursing program

I have come to a point in life that many people have not.  I have made a firm decision to recommit myself to pursuing my dreams.  While there are those…

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Determining the economic feasibility of adding a nursing home as a healthcare profitable operation is complicated and difficult. In analyzing the need, the company must determine if there is sufficient…

Nursing Article Research Abstract

The nursing journal which I have selected is by Showalter Et al (2000), titled “Patients’ and their spouses’ needs after total joint arthroplasty: a pilot study”, from the journal Orthopedic…

Critical Thinking Caps Worksheet

Many of the pieces of information needed to assist Marianne’s family in making decisions in her care were included in the case study. The first thing we would need to…

Nursing Metaphors

The purpose of metaphor is to conceptualize one thing in terms of another. Metaphorical concepts shape and reflect our perceptions, actions, and relations to others (Lakoff and Johnson 1). In…

Creating a Teaching Learning Environment

The challenges of creating an innovative teaching environment in today’s schools of nursing can be arduous due to budget constraints and faculty shortages. However, the health agencies in government and…

Exploring protective factors for Sobriety in Nursing

Recovering alcoholics and those who have been subject to repeated patterns of alcohol intoxication to damaging social, mental and physical effect suffer from a range of identifiable challenges and problems…

Nursing Assessment

Element: Prevention of pressure ulcers This essay is going to explore the nursing process with regard to the prevention of pressure ulcers. Pressure ulcers are a widespread and often underestimated…

Nursing Administration Theory X, Y and Z

THEORY X, Y AND Z IN NURSING ADMINISTRATION According to Mc Gregor, the traditional manager in a bureaucracy operates on a set of assumptions about human nature and human behaviour,…

Philosophy of Nursing

Personal Values and Philosophy of Nursing A nurse has to be able to integrate multiple aspects of care in order to build a healthy atmosphere fit for their patients. In…

Quality Nursing Care in Hospital Setting

Quality Nursing Care (i) Table of contents PAGE 1. Introduction 1 2. Definition / Explanation of quality care 1 3. The Elements of quality care 1 4. Quality assurance and…

Psychiatric Nursing Environment

In psychiatric nursing, the atmosphere includes surroundings, conditions, and controls that bound and influence the growth and behavior of the person. These causing aspects are classified as focal, contextual, and…

A Guide to Taking a Patient's Health History

A guide to taking a patient’s health history is an article published in Nursing Standard in the August 2007 issue, written by Hiliary Lloyd and Stephen Craig. In this article…

Nursing Research

MENTORS’ HANDBOOK Supporting Students in Practice 2 nd Edition 1 The mentoring and support of students within a health care setting are consi dered to be fundamental in their development…

Career Choices: LPN vs. RN

Does a medical professionals title really speak value into the abilities they may be capable of or should the focus be on the longevity factor of here and now and…

Personal Philosophy of Nursing

A definition of a Philosophy is “when someone contemplates, or wonders, about something that serves as the blueprints or guides that incorporates each individual’s value and belief system. ” (Chitty…

Nursing Physical Assessment

Physical Assessment Lab 120-103 1. General Survey ! Level?! Awake & Alert a. Orientation to person, place, time? b. Ability to Communicate in full sentences with clear speech? c. Posture:…

Licensed Practical Nursing

I have completed my Licensed Practical Nursing (LCN) program, and I would like to seek entry for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Course from this University. My main…

Future of Skilled Nursing Facilities

While being employed in Corporate America for over 20 years and in the United States Air Force for over 10 years has been extremely valuable experience, I don’t feel like…

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