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Ghosts (Opening Pages) By Paul Auster

The opening of Paul Auster’s Ghosts combines elements of classic American detective fiction with literary originality to create an effective beginning of a post-modernist novel. Cliches in popular pre-modernist narrative…

Introduction to Film Studies

In his essay ‘Introduction to Film Studies’ (Oxford Guide to Film Studies), Richard Dyer draws a distinction between two main approaches which have been developed: the ‘formal aesthetic’ and the…

Can music be a representational art

Of all the different forms of art, none are more problematic when dealing with the issue of representation than music. When dealing with pictorial art it is common place to…

Genre and Narrative - Fort Apache

Watching the opening section (first 15 mins) of ‘ Fort Apache’ it becomes clear when analysed that it both conforms to and diverges from typical western models of genre and…

Independence Day and Before the Rain

Before the Rain, and Independence Day are two films that greatly differ in an overall sense. Through direction, acting, plot of story, symbolism, and heart of story, I can clearly…

Comparing The 1940's Film Noir 'Desperate'

‘Film Noir’ were originally films that portrayed a dark, seedy side to the criminal underworld. They were often thrillers containing police detective and gangster characters in them. They came about…

Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock is renowned for his films, which are full of suspense. Films like psycho, rear window and birds demonstrate many of his cinematic techniques. The techniques Hitchcock uses include…

The Age of Innocence 1993

Scorsese is widely regarded as an auteur of the cinema. This is because of the way he links certain aspects of the film making process. He combines the different layers…

Term Paper about Citizen Kane

Citizen Kane ranks to this day as a classic masterpiece of cinematic form, with its many remarkable scenes and performances; it’s cinematic and narrative techniques and in it’s experimental use…

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from StudyTiger

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