
Shadow Kiss Chapter 7

SEVENWHEN THE FIRST WARNING for curfew came around, the Moroi packed their things up. Adrian took off right away, but Lissa and Christian took their time walking back to the…

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Shadow Kiss Chapter 6

SIXTHERE HAD ONLY BEEN THREE other witnesses to what had happened out on the quad. Yet, unsurprisingly, everyone seemed to know about it when I returned to the commons later…

Shadow Kiss Chapter 5

FiveMOST DISCIPLINARY ISSUES AT the Academy went to Headmistress Kirova. She oversaw Moroi and dhampirs alike and was known for her creative and oft-used repertoire of punishments. She wasn’t cruel,…

Shadow Kiss Chapter 4

FOURIT BEGAN. At first, things weren’t too different from any other day. Dhampirs and Moroi attended separate classes in the first half of the school day, then joined up after…

Shadow Kiss Chapter 3

Three”WHY SO GLUM, LITTLE DHAMPIR?” I was heading across the quad, toward the commons, when I detected the scent of clove cigarettes. I sighed. “Adrian, you are the last person…

Shadow Kiss Chapter 2

TWOOr, well, it looked like mason. He – or it or whatever – was hard to see. I had to keep squinting and blinking to get him in focus. His…

Shadow Kiss Chapter 1

OneHIS FINGERTIPS SLID ALONG my back, applying hardly any pressure, yet sending shock waves over my flesh. Slowly, slowly, his hands moved across my skin, down the sides of my…

Frostbite Chapter 23

Twenty-threeTHE WEATHER WARMED UP ON the day of my molnija ceremony. In fact, it was so warm that a lot of the snow on campus began melting, running down the…

Frostbite Chapter 22

TWENTY-TWOHORROR AND SHOCK CONSUMED ME, so much so that I thought my soul would shrivel, that the world would end right then and there- because surely, surely it couldn’t keep…

Frostbite Chapter 21

Twenty-oneTHIS WAS SO NOT WHAT I needed right now. I could have handled anything else Adrian did: hitting on her, getting her to smoke his ridiculous cigarettes, whatever. But not…

Frostbite Chapter 20

TwentyWe NEEDED AN ESCAPE PLAN, and we needed it fast. Unfortunately, my only ideas called for things that really weren’t under my control. Like us being left completely alone so…

Frostbite Chapter 19

NineteenI HATE BEING POWERLESS. AND I hate going down without a fight. What had taken place outside in the alley hadn’t been a real fight. If it had- if I’d…

Frostbite Chapter 18

EighteenTHE HIGH HEELS WERE STARTING to hurt me, so I took them off when I went back inside, walking barefoot through the lodge. I hadn’t been to Mason’s room, but…

Frostbite Chapter 17

SeventeenWHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE doing?” she demanded. Her voice was still too loud as far as I was concerned. “Nothing, I- ” “Excuse us, Lord Ivashkov,” she growled. Then,…

Frostbite Chapter 16

SixteenLISSA FOUND ME LATER IN the day. I’d fallen asleep after Mason left, too dejected to leave the bed. Her slamming of the door jolted me awake. I was happy…

Frostbite Chapter 15

FifteenI WAS TRYING TO PAINT my toenails the next morning- not easy with such a god-awful hangover- when I heard a knock at the door. Lissa had been gone when…

Frostbite Chapter 14

FOURTEENTWO GUYS I’D NEVER MET before were squaring off against each other. They looked to be in their twenties, and neither noticed me. The one who’d bumped into me shoved…

Frostbite Chapter 13

ThirteenPEOPLE STOOD UP AND SHOUTED, everyone wanting their opinion to be heard. As it was, most of them held the same view: Tasha was wrong. They told her she was…

Frostbite Chapter 12

TwelveI WAS OUT OF BED in a flash. We found the entire lodge abuzz with the news. People clustered in small groups in the halls. Family members sought each other…

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