
Shadow Kiss Chapter 26

Twenty-sixIT WAS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE to believe. The Strigoi were practically right next door to us, waiting for nightfall so that they could finish their escape. Apparently, in the chaos of…

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Shadow Kiss Chapter 25

Twenty-fiveDEAD OR TAKEN AWAY. It wasn’t enough that the Strigoi had come and attacked us, that they’d killed Moroi and dhampirs alike. They’d also carried some off. It was something…

Shadow Kiss Chapter 24

Twenty-fourTHE WHOLE WORLD WAS still. At this time of night, there were no birds or anything, but it seemed quieter than usual. Even the wind had fallen silent. Mason looked…

Shadow Kiss Chapter 23

Twenty-threeOTHERS IN THE HALL stopped and stared. I felt like I had just been hit in the face. Only it hadn’t been my face. It had been Lissa’s. I shifted…

Shadow Kiss Chapter 22

Twenty-twoDEIRDRE THE COUNSELOR must not have had much of a life, because she scheduled our next appointment on a Sunday. I wasn’t thrilled about it, seeing as it wasn’t just…

Shadow Kiss Chapter 21

Twenty-oneI COULD HARDLY WAIT for my day to end. I’d promised Lissa I’d hang out with her and the others after school. It should have been fun, but the minutes…

Shadow Kiss Chapter 20

Twenty”Lets talk about your mother.” I sighed. “What about her?” It was my first day of counseling, and so far, I wasn’t impressed. Last night’s Mason sighting was probably something…

Shadow Kiss Chapter 19

NineteenLISSA HAD BEEN MY best friend ever since elementary school, which was why keeping so many secrets from her lately had hurt so much. She was always open with me,…

Shadow Kiss Chapter 18

EighteenEVERYTHING BECAME FUZZY after that. I had vague impressions of moving in and out of consciousness, of people saying my name, and of being in the air again. Eventually, I…

Shadow Kiss Chapter 17

SEVENTEENOUT ON THE RUNWAY, Christian stood near the entrance to the plane, along with a few of the other guardians. Lissa ran off to talk to him, leaving me and…

Shadow Kiss Chapter 16

Sixteen”SO ARE YOU,” HE TEASED. “Yeah, but I just thought – ” “That I was human? Because of the bite marks?” “Yeah,” I admitted. No point in lying. “We all…

Shadow Kiss Chapter 15

Fifteen”I…WHAT?” “You heard me. I don’t know how far things have gone, and honestly, I really don’t want to know the details. That’s not the point. The point is that…

Shadow Kiss Chapter 14

FourteenABOUT A HALF HOUR before my alarm was scheduled to go off the next morning, I heard a knock at my door. I expected it to be Lissa, but a…

Shadow Kiss Chapter 13

ThirteenWHEN WE GOT BACK to our rooms, I made up an excuse to Lissa about how I needed to go take care of some guardian stuff. She was eager to…

Shadow Kiss Chapter 12

TWELVEIF YOU’D ASKED ME six months ago, I would have said there was no way I’d be happy to run into Mia Rinaldi at the Royal Court. She was a…

Shadow Kiss Chapter 11

ElevenWE STEPPED OFF THE plane and were immediately hit with wet, blustery weather. Sleet cracked into us, far worse than the flaky white stuff falling back in Montana. We were…

Shadow Kiss Chapter 10

TenTHE NEXT DAY, MY guardian duties with Christian resumed. Once again, I found my own life put on hold for someone else’s. “How was your penance?” he asked as we…

Shadow Kiss Chapter 9

NineWITH SO MANY MOROI tracing their roots back to Eastern Europe, Orthodox Christianity was the dominant religion on campus. Other religions were represented too, and I’d say all in all,…

Shadow Kiss Chapter 8

EightFOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS, I followed Christian around without incident. And as I did, I found myself growing more and more impatient. For one thing, I was discovering that…

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