
Free Will and Predestination in Islam

Predestination is a divisive issue that has not Just been confined to Christianity, but is a prevalent issue within the Islamic community. Like Christianity the idea of free will has…

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The Central Teachings of Islam

Five Pillars of Islam Cristen Shaw March 11, 2011 Hum/130 The central teachings of Islam are pretty basic. They teach that their members must freely and willingly accept God and…

Comparing Buddhism and Islam

Buddhism and Islam: Comparative Essay Islam and Buddhism are two very different religions that have their own views about life and its purpose. Their views on issues relating to the…

Divorce: the scourge of Islamic women

Islam is one of the most influential religions in the world. Under this context, there is no doubt that divorce is one of the most pressing issues that its followers…

Islamic Education

Islam is the religion of peace, and it is one of the most sacred and trustworthy religions and in Islam to seek knowledge is a sacred duty, it is obligatory…

Islam Worksheet

Islam Worksheet When studying Islam, it is important to understand the essential elements of the faith, how they are practiced, and the distinctions among the three branches: Shiite Islam, Sunni…

Response Essay to Islam in the Crusades

Bart Brown Strate HIS 120-02 3 October 2011 The Book of Contemplation / Islam and the Crusades From reading The Book of Contemplation I feel that the Franks are Inferior…

Muslim Women in America

Muslim’s have always been faced with struggles in their lives, especially when entering into the United States. They are a popular minority group in America that is strongly discriminated against….

Should the Islamic Face Veil Be Banned

There has been debates about whether the Islamic face veil should be banned in countries. The arguments that governments of countries that have banned the Muslim face veil (France, Syria,…

Khilafat Movement

The Caliphate is an Islamic system of governance in which the state rules under Islamic law. Caliph literally means “successor” or “representative” and emphasizes religious authority for the head of…

Islam Festivals

This festival commemorates the Hijra (or Hegira) in 622 CE when the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) moved from Mecca to Medina. This was the beginning of the growth of Islam into a…


I will never forget the day I sat across my father as he described his lifetime achievements to me and my brother. Indeed, his description was inspirational. I realized that…

Islam and Religious Places

Introduction: Being a investigating officer I have been asked to submit a report on suicide attacks on religious places that occured recently. Report: Suicide attacks on the religious places has…

A True Muslim

The follower of Islam is called Muslim. To be a Muslim is a great blessing of Allah. A Muslim who sincerely acts upon all the teachings of Islam is called…

Role of Muslims in Technology Advancement

The contributions in the advancement of knowledge by the traditional Islamic institutions of learning (Madrasahs, Maktab, Halqa & Dar-ul-Aloom) are enormous, which have been summed up in Encyclopedia Britannica: “The…

The Profit Mohammed

Islam in numbers is the second biggest religion in the world, Mohammed being its founder can be considered as a leader with the biggest following in the world. Mohammed is…

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