
The Modern African Nation State

Ethnic conflict in Africa is as old as the continent itself. There has been little over time that has been able to ameliorate this problem and to further exacerbate it,…

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Affordable Housing in Broward County, Florida

Affordable housing is a critical issue in the United States.  The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has noted an increase in the need for affordable housing over the…

Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity

Affirmative action refers to a set of positive practices or good faith efforts that are assumed by employers, university admissions offices, and government agencies to ensure equal employment opportunities to…

Example For High School about Affirmative Action

Affirmative action and other race-conscious remedies were created to erase the differences in rights and opportunities defined by that color line. National anxiety about affirmative action has never been higher….

Alcohol Problem

It is a matter of fact that alcohol problem strongly affects not only the USA, but also many countries of the world. The negative sides of alcoholism are known: serious…

“What is Art?” by Leo Tolstoy

Leo Tolstoy clearly stood out from other thinkers with his distinct definition of art.  Unlike the thinkers before him, as well as his contemporaries, Tolstoy did not define art based…

The Aeneid

Aside from the Bible, there is perhaps no other literary force able to shape Western civilization other than Greco-Roman literature.  From this great body of work one can find enduring…

Contract of Employment

Harassment is a form of employment discrimination.  In this day and age.  It is still not widely recognized that harassment can be in varying ways.  Wikepedia encyclopedia classifies it as…

Accelerating change intensifying competition

The research proposal on advertisement of alcohol and tobacco products should begin with the definition about the sense what is advertisement at all.Advertising – in general, any openly sponsored offering…

Dove's Campaign For Real Beauty: Effective?

Dove is a fast-moving consumer personal care brand owned by an international conglomerate Unilever. The first product for Dove was a formulated bar soap in 1940.Through out the years, the…

Running Head For Publication Goes Here

American teen-agers have shown an increase in substance abuse since 1992.  In a 1997 report by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 22 percent of eighth-graders, 39 percent of…

Topic about Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

From the outset, the author questions the basic definition of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Clinically, attention deficit, known as the “disorder” is more accurately described as attention bias.Attention bias indicates…

Applying the Scientific Method

Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is a syndrome in which a person has difficulty focusing sustained attention on a task for a significant amount of time. In some cases this is…

Information Literacy in Healthcare

Information literacy in healthcare is more than just appreciation of information technology for it involves strategic management and is largely affected by the culture and approaches used in its formulation….

Acoustic Analysis

While recording in a studio or making film in a SAE green room, noise produces; some of this noisy sound smacks on a surface, some of it is absorbed, some…

Ghana Poverty Reduction Strategy

Itinerant trading has been the major mode of economic survival for the people of West Africa even before colonization (Anarfi, John 1997, page 226). This economic practice of migratory…

The Cosmological Argument

The arguments presented from William Rowe in The Cosmological Argument conclude that although the Cosmological Argument might be a sound argument, it does not provide good rational grounds for believing…

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