
Sample about Culture of India

Mumbai, also known by its former name Bombay, is the capital city of the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is the most populous city in India, and the fifth most…

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American Dance Study Guide

This chapter takes a broad look at the relationship between human movement, framed as dance, and important identities such as religion, ethnicity, gender, and social status. While not specifically focused…

Participant Observation of an Arab Cafe

I have conducted a participant-observation research in an Arabic hookah café in Georgetown, the Zenobia Lounge. While I was expecting to get more insight about the way Arabs practice Islam…

Western culture

What is culture? It’s not about your belief or your faith instead it’s all about your customs, ideals, social behavior which a particular individual or a group follows. In short…

Alexander the Great Conquest

Someone who has abilities above the normal or average person is considered great. In this case, were talking about Alexander the infamous Greek invader. Alexander the Great was a man…

Why Do We Learn English

The phenomenon comes into vogue that Chinese people receive English education at an early age. Even the Chinese students are willing to show off their English skills or are proud…

Short Description about Organizational culture

Culture consists of beliefs and behavior. It is cultivated behavior in the sense that it is learnt from the other members of the society. According to Henry Mintzberg, an internationally…

Odyssey Culture

Throughout Homer’s Odyssey, the reader watches the change and strength of Odysseus, who serves as a classic example of a Homeric Greek man: strong, brave, eloquent, and wise. But the…

Indian Culture and Traditions

Thoughts, ideas and values practised for generations come together to form a culture. The cultural values practised through generations create a tradition. Thoughts of one generation differ from those of…


According to the Caribbean scholar Edward Kamau Brathwaite (1974) Creolization is the process through which the various groups in the Caribbean society absorb each other’s cultural product. Our Caribbean culture…

Essay Example about Culture of India

Our LanguagesLanguage is an important means of communicating our ideas to others. India is a big country and the people speak many languages. We have eighteen major languages in our…

Culture by Raymond Williams

Raymond Williams suggests three broad definitions. First, culture can be used to refer to ‘a general process of intellectual, spiritual and aesthetic development’… second use of the of the word…

How my brother Leon brought home a wife

At first I thought there were only twenty or so short stories from the American Era n the Philippines online but I have now found 100s of them. These stories…

Organizational Culture

Strong culture is said to exist where staff respond to stimulus because of their alignment to organizational values. In such environments, strong cultures help firms operate like well-oiled machines, engaging…

In Praise of People and Culture

Many literary authors nowadays use poetry to exult their culture and express their thankfulness for their origins. In particular, Martin Espada is a poet of Hispanic origin known for promoting…

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