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African Kingdoms

What is it in today’s society that debates influence on the “Old World”? Well in today’s society, there are large debates to modern civilization and causing influences such as trade,…

Effect of Domestic Violence on African American Boys

Various research studies have been directed to the various socio-economic factors which are affecting the African American boys/ males. However, the same research is only a recent phenomena developed to…

The African Union

The African Union is a conglomerate of 53 African countries. The Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi in order to replace the old Organization of African Unity, which was no longer effective,…

Sino African Relations

In practical politics, they say, any publicity is good publicity. Although the attention the world has accorded the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in the past few years has come…

Skill is not innate, but is developed over time

Like any skill, musical talent is a combination of natural ability, self-discipline, and time.  However, no amount of self-discipline and time can help if one is entirely tone deaf!  For…

African-Americans New Deal

In the 1930’s, Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed the New Deal which had three goals; relief, recovery and reform. The New Deal offered many programs to help Americans cope with the…

African American Artists

Born sometime in the late 19th century to African American and Native American parents, Edmonia Lewis rose to success in Boston, Massachusetts as a sculptor specializing in abolitionist and Civil…


The Migration was the movement of approximately seven million Africans out of the Southern United States to the North, Midwest and West from 1916 to 1930. Precise estimates of the…

African-American Book Review

Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) once said that “As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master”, in his famous Gettysburg Address during the ‘Emancipation Proclamation’ in…

Strategies For African-American Racial Uplift

Strategies for African-American uplift throughout the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries varied according to leaders’ personal styles and the social and political contexts in which they operated.  While some…

African Study Reaction Paper

Of Our Spiritual Strivings by W.E.B. Dubois is the first essay in the author’s book The Souls of Black Folk published in 1903. The essay starts out with a poem…

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